One shot 2 :0

516 14 35


Smut & Cringe

Third person POV:

Kenny and Craig have always hated each other, tho for some odd reason they share apartment, or you could just say they were roommates.
They didn't know or remember why they hated each other.
Maybe it was a stupid fight in like 4th grade or something.
And well Kenny teased Craig like everyone else.
If someone wasn't teased by Kenny one day, it either was that he was in a bad mood or he forgot about their existence.
Craig was a pretty serious person, never laughing at jokes from his friend or family members.
It was very rare for Craig to smile and Laugh.
Kenny had escaped from home 5 months ago, leaving Karen alone.
Kevin had also escaped but he went to a whole different country, nobody knew where he went tho.
Kenny was chilling in his room that he shared with Craig.
Craig wasn't in there with him tho, he had gotten detention for throwing a paper plane at the math teacher.
So basically nothing new.
Kenny was always a horny motherfucker.
Always having his ways into making girls give in.
So we wasn't a virgin, but Craig was.
Ever since his break up with Tweek, nothing has been the same.
I mean yeah, they fake dated but it still hurt Craig.
They were still friends.
Kenny was bored as fuck, not knowing what to do.
Then he remembered that he had a to do a dare at one of Clyde's parties.
Cartman had dared him to dress up in any femboy outfits and act all gay-ish and flirty with Craig.
It was so dumb but it was either that or eat dirt with piss in it.
It's not like kenny wouldn't do it tho, but since nobody was gonna give him money for doing it then it's basically pointless.
Kenny got up from the bed and walked up to the oddly fancy box that had the maid outfit in it.
Kenny carefully pulled it out of the box, admiring it.
He felt embarrassed at the thought of wearing it and it being too tight or too short.
Kenny glanced at the box and realized that it came with white stockings too.
Oh shit.
He thought to himself.
Well he better put that on now before Craig barges in and asks 50 questions and having to do it another day.
After thinking of all of that bull shit, he went inside the bathroom that was connected to the room.
Their apartment was quite small.
He got out of the bathroom, only to be in a black and white maid outfit along with white stockings that ended up on his thigh
Eww I look gay
Thought the orange mf
The dress was quite puffy, making his legs look more slimmer.
he swirled his whole body around.
Never mind this looked quite good on me!
Kenny didn't know what to do in the meantime so he just went over to Craig's desk that was full of unfinished homework and brushed it to the side with his left hand, some fell to the floor.
But Kenny didn't care, should he?
Kenny then remembered that he still had the princess Kenny gloves, but he didn't remember where they were.
He checked all around the place, but didn't find them.
After some time, he finally found them.
They were white and shiny.
He quickly putted them on, running to the bathroom to check himself out.
God dayum, he looked flawless.
Kenny heard footsteps outside the dorm room so he quickly ran to the desk he had brushed off the homework before and sat down on it, crossing his legs.
Craig had opened the door, staying frozen in the same spot as he looked at Kenny with a blank expression.
Kenny was disappointed, but he didn't fade away the cocky smirk on his face.

"Hey handsome~! How ya doin'?"

Kenny said in an obviously fake British accent.

"Kenny what the fuck."

Craig stepped inside, still making no change to his face and closing the door.

"Alright, alright the joke was funny, you can quit playing now."

Craig said, tossing his backpack nearby his bed and taking out his gym uniform that had to be washed later.

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