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"Okay, so why are all of you here again?" Sasha's brow was curved as she stared at her three cousins. There were so many wrong things with the situation at hand. 1, they were all smiling, they were in a waiting cell for Pete's sake! Last time she checked people don't smile when getting arrested. 2, why was Cheska dressed like that? She was wearing an apron and holding a spatula with her right hand comfortably as if she didn't even notice it was there. 3, both Cheska and Rizeru were sitting between two people... yes two. She was guessing Rizeru was in there for pedophilia... 4, Officer Wonho was on duty.

"They," Cheska and Rizeru sat up straight when they noticed they were being pointed at. "didn't do anything, but they demand to be inside with those people because they believe they did nothing wrong." He crossed his arms and glared at the two. They looked at each other before looking down.

"What did those guys do?" She sighed, already knowing what the answer could be.

"One of those two are in here for illegal rap competitions, the other one is in here for fighting an officer." He rubbed his chin. Sasha felt slightly irritated just by the fact Wonho was arresting people she knew but she kept her cool and waited for him to talk about Rizeru and confirm the guess she made earlier.

"The other two are in here for dating that girl, she is still a minor yet dating those two men, who are obviously older." He crossed his arms again.

Sasha coughed into her hand beginning to get very irritated hearing Wonho's voice. Shownu, her boyfriend, eyed her warily, she was getting pissed off. He carefully watched as she spoke, in a chilling voice, "Officer, do you know exactly how old she is?" Paying no mind to the coldness in her tone he waved the question away.

"She's probably like 12, and those two are over twenty" she could see her cousin's shocked faces, all the smiles from earlier were gone and replaced with offended looks. Wonho still paid no mind to it, as if he was blind.

"Heh," Sasha grit her teeth as everyone but the object of her anger gulped.

"Well, officer, I would like for you to know that she is 17, turning 18 in a few months. And I am sure, I mean really sure that those two wouldn't lay a hand on her until those few months are up. I know them personally, they are nice guys."

"Well, there have been suspicions and complaints. Unless you are willing to take it to court, they are staying in Jail for 2 years."

"TWO-" Rizeru yelled from behind the bars, she received a sharp look from the officer and immediately sat back down. The two men beside her glared back at him.

"She has a small point there, you aren't even sure if those two have touched her or thought of her in an inappropriate way, you can't put them in jail for an unreasonable amount of time." Shownu stepped up, he looked at Jin and Hyungwon, the two boys sitting on separate sides of the girl, trying to get them to stop glaring, he didn't want things to be worse and irritating than they already are.

"Officer Shownu, are you trying to help these people? These, these criminals?!" He was really starting to piss everyone off.

"They aren't criminals, I know them personally, they aren't criminals" Wonho raised a thick eyebrow at Shownu's statement.

"Oh, so what you're saying is that you knew they were doing these things... And you've never turned them in..."

Shownu stayed quiet for a while, side-eyeing his girlfriend to make sure she won't explode "I'm sure they were going to stop."

"Oh really, isn't that what they all say? 2 years for those three, a year for the others."

"You can't keep us in here for that long! That's a violation of your job!" Hillary, who's story still wasn't told, pointed out.

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