I hope you think of me
When you hold another's hand
For the first time.
When you stare into eyes
That are different than my own.
When you're old and grey.All I want
Is for you to remember me.
Like I know I will.I hope you think of our time
With fondness and a bit of regret.
Regret that we could've been
Something more.Why am I the only one suffering?
You seem so unaffected by everything.Maybe it was all just in my head.
Tell me that we had something worthwhile.
Tell me that you want to pursue a life together with me.
Please tell me what I want to hear.But even then, you couldn't pretend.
I know how you are.
With your goodness and honesty.
You don't have the heart
To hurt me with sweet lies.For once, why can't you choose me?
Fight for me?
Love me?
twenty four
Poetrywritten by a twenty four year old in the year of twenty twenty four.