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Stray Kids have been on tour for a few months and today there is no concert but they do have an interview scheduled. All the boys pile into their van to head to a studio to film the interview. Minho and Chan sit in the back to watch the boys. Felix and Hyunjin are sitting in front of them with Felix's head resting on Hyunjin's shoulder. Chan smiles he always admired how close they were and how soft Hyunjin always was with Felix. They get to the studio and all head inside. The staff set up chairs and the boys greet the interviewer. "Hi I'm Jordan hopefully you guys are ready gonna be easy questions today I want you to feel as comfortable as you can. I've seen your guys interviews you guys seem like a fun loud bunch." She laughs and all the boys smile and nod. They all get seated in the back is Minho, Chan, Hyunjin, and Seungmin. In front of them was Changbin, Jeongin, Felix, then Jisung. They all get handed handheld mics. "Hello everyone this is your girl Jordan interviewing Stray Kiiiids!" They all cheer and wave at the camera. "So one by one can you guys introduce yourself just incase we have new fans watching." Minho starts and they go in order. "Hi I'm Lee Know!" He smiles widely and waves. Chan smiles at him and introduces himself and the rest of the boys continue.

"So I'm gonna ask my set questions and then fans are gonna send in questions if you guys are okay with that?" Jordan asks and all the boys nod. "Okay first question, with you guys being on tour I'm sure you're trying a whole bunch of new restaurants what has been your favorite so far?" Seungmin yells in-n-out into the microphone and that unleashes chaos. Felix and Jeongin agree with him and Changbin yells no and starts talking about a random hole in the wall burrito place they went to in LA. Minho just laughs at the chaos unfold while all the younger boys argue over restaurants. Chan is laughing but trying to calm them down, "okay okay there's lots of options don't scare Jordan." Jordan laughs, "it's okay there's lots of options I get it." She continues asking her questions and the boys answer. "So finally the fan questions. Stay send them in!" Jordan looks at her phone, "Who is the messiest member?" "Oh me for sure. I just have so much stuff everywhere that I don't know where to put it." Felix admits and all the boys agree. They continue the questions, Jordan gets to a question and squeals, "ohhh this question I love it! Are you boys ready?" All eight boys nod. "So the fans are asking who in the group is the golden retriever and black cat couple?" Chan had to translate  and all the boys looked at each other thinking . "Oh Lee Know and Chan for sure." Felix states all the boys laugh and Minho and Chan shyly look at each other.

Jordan laughs "I can see it! I was watching YouTube videos of you guys to learn more about you guys so I totally agree. I love it Minchan as the black cat and golden retriever couple." They laugh and continue the interview. Questions go by and Minho just kinda zones out and answers questions here and there. "I guess I can see that, I do show love in what the others call a violent way and Chan is so touchy and cuddly. But he's like that with everyone. Right?" Minho thinks to himself. He turns to his side and looks at Chan, really looks at him. Chan is laughing and you can see his dimples and Minho is very tempted to touch them. Chan feels someone looking at him and he catches Minho staring at him and he smiles. Minho panics and looks away quickly while Chan laughs quietly to himself.

The interview ends and all eight boys pile back into the van heading back to their hotel. The boys head into their designated hotel rooms Chan is sharing with Felix, Minho sharing with Changbin. Chan crashes onto his bed with a sigh. He was thinking about what everyone said, " couple". "why'd they have to word it as couple not duo? I mean does it matter they said couple we're clearly not a couple. I mean it felt nice hearing that. I mean did it? I've never really thought about my feelings towards anyone really. When was the last time I even had a crush on anyone? I mean Minho is really attractive and he's funny and he shows he cares in a weird way but it's cute?" Chan thinks to himself and sighs. "You okay?" Felix asks from his bed. Chan just says a quiet yeah. Felix gets up to sit next to Chan, "I know you man I know you're thinking about the interview. And I'm sorry if it bothered you I answered the question I just I mean that's you guys so perfectly." They both chuckle. "I mean it didn't bother me. I don't think it did. Just I don't know man hearing couple made me really think. I don't even remember the last time I had a crush on anyone. Then looking at you and hyunjin, you guys are so happy." Felix nods, "just because you don't know how you feel it doesn't mean you can't feel anything and it doesn't mean you have to make yourself feel anything. Just take time for yourself." Chan nods, Felix pats his leg and gets up to go shower.

"I guess he's right I'm thinking too deep about this I don't have to put a thought to my own feelings I'm overthinking for nothing." Chan lays back down and gets a text  from Minho. "Come get your sons Changbin invited them all over and they're being crazy. I'm hiding in the bathroom save me." Chan laughs and knocks on the bathroom door to tell Felix they're both going over to Minho and Changbin's room.

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