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Minho wasn't exaggerating about the chaos that was unleashed. Chan and Felix walk over to the other room and walk in. When Chan opens the door he is met with Changbin and Seungmin eating a pile of snacks on a bed, Jeongin and Jisung playing Mario kart shoving each other trying to make the other lose and Hyunjin was yelling at the duo playing games to calm down. Felix just laughs behind Chan, hyunjin hears the smaller boys laugh and smiles walking over to the two. "Oh thank god you guys are here Minho hyung is hiding in the bathroom and I'm trying to get everyone to calm down." Chan sighs and shakes his head. He clears his throat loudly and all the boys look at him and he gives all of them a stern look. "I know you guys are having fun but you can do that without disturbing Minho. So you need to all calm down and go to your rooms it's late." All the boys look around at each other and Chan raises his eyebrow. "Now." All the boys scramble to get up quickly and run out the door. Chan shakes his head walks over to the bathroom and knocks on the door. "Min it's me they're all gone." The Australian boy hears shuffling and the door slowly opens Minho was on the floor peaking through the door"the monsters are gone?" Chan laughs and nods. "Hey I'm not a monster I'm still here!" Changbin huffs from the bed. Minho just glares at him and Changbin pulls his blankets over his head. Minho stands and fully opens the door and hugs Chan "My hero you saved me." The younger says dramatically with a hand to his forehead and leans back with Chan holding him. "You're so dramatic." Minho gasps and shoves the older boy. "I am not! You know how those gremlins are!" Chan just laughs and Minho is pouting. "How about to help calm you down we go downstairs for ice cream?" Minho smiles and grabs chan's hand. They run out the door to downstairs still holding hands. Chan looks at their hands and feels his face heat up and he smiles. They make it downstairs to the convenient store huffing from the run. They walk over to the ice cream section. Chan just grabs a simple vanilla and chocolate ice cream bar. Minho is looking at all the choices with wide eyes. He picks up a bag that shows Spider-Man's face on a popsicle stick (I freaking love this ice cream lol) Chan laughs at the younger boys choice. "I heard those are pretty popular here in the U.S." Minho nods and says he wants this one. They go up to the register and Chan pays. They walk out eating their ice cream.

They walk around the block in a comfortable silence enjoying each others presence and their ice cream. Minho starts talking, "you know even though I'm the second oldest I can't control them like you can it's crazy. You scare them in a good way." Chan laughs and shakes his head, "I mean I don't want them to be scared of me. I want them to still have fun but be idols when we need to you know? I mean they're all still so young and started young I still want them to feel like kids." "And that's what we love about you. You really are a great leader fans aren't lying when they chant that at concerts." Chan blushes at what the other boy said. "I appreciate that." They continue their silence the Minho clears his throat, "so what the interviewer asked was crazy right?" "Which question?" Chan asks laughing. Minho scratches the back of his head and blushes "the question about the golden retriever and black cat couple." Chan blushes too "yeah crazy the others chose us." A slight awkward silence surrounds them. "I mean I guess they're not wrong." Minho looks to the other confused. "I mean we are together a lot and pretty different. But it's not a bad thing! We're the mom and dad of the group. You always deny my hugs that's definitely a black cat thing." Both boys laugh and Minho agrees. "I mean but saying couple is crazy right? I mean I know fans like to ship duos in groups just didn't know people saw us like that." Minho says looking to Chan. The older nods while looking ahead and eating his ice cream. Minho just stares at him and Chan turns his head to him and Minho turns away quickly blushing. "I mean I don't think there's anything wrong with them saying couple." Minho turns his head fast almost giving himself whiplash and looks at Chan with wide eyes. The older boy just smiles and shrugs. Minho is too stunned and stopped walking the older is ahead of him and turns, "let's head back before the others think we got kidnapped." Chan grabs the younger hand to drag him back to their hotel rooms.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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