Scared to Death

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Harry's POV
I did the first thing I could think of. I called the police.
"911 what is your emergency?"
"My sis-ter sh-e wa-s just kidn-na-ppe-d" I say between studders.
"Ok sir, we will put out an amber alert. Please tell me her name, what she was taken in, what the person looked like, and what is was wearing." The woman on the phone said calmly.
"Ok. Her full name is Maggie Anne Styles, she was taken in a old, run down, white, worker van, the man who took her may been forty, he was in denim jeans and a red t-shirt I think, my sister was wearing a purple under armor t-shirt and black shorts. She had a black head band in that had white under armor simbols and she was wearing pink socks and teal Nike shoes with neon orange socks."
"Ok sir, thank you. We will try to get the information out as soon as possible. Now I want you to stay calm and spread the word. We need as many people as we can get."
"Ok. Thanks you. Thank you so much." I say then hang up. Now I call my mom. I dialed her number and waited for her to answer.
"Harry honey, what's wrong?"
"It's Maggie. She is kidnapped. I am so sorry mom. I can't lose her I am going or go look for her now. An amber alert was just put out."
"Oh my god Harry. Please find her. I can't lose my baby. Please. I am coming home now."
"Ok Mom, I love you."
"I love you too." She says as she hangs up.
Now, where do I find my Mags?

Maggie's POV
"Get out." I hear. I get out and see the man who took me from my brother.
"What do u want from me?" I say.
"Nothing. I needed someone to kidnap since I just got out of jail and they think I learned my lesson. I didn't. And, the police can't come and get me when I have a hostage."
"Now, let's go over rules. First, we will be going out in public, you must say I am your Dad. You cannot eat more than I say, you must never disobey me or you will be punished. The punish will be decided by what you do. And last, we will be staying with my sister and you must say I am your father. I adopted you. Ok?" I nodd. Wishing Harry would be bursting in the door at this second.

Harry Styles Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now