Hi. It's me. Enna :)
So, why am I making this now? And why so specifically for new or small writers?
Why Now?
I've always had a bit of a critic inside of me waiting to blossom and help fellow writers, but it wasn't enough back then when I first thought I could give advice. I wasn't ready yet.
I spent some time on my own writing and editing. I joined writing clubs and book clubs. I learned from other writers.
Now, I'm at a comfortable place in my own writing, so I feel like I can give to the community what I've learned. However, instead of critiquing everyone (which is impossible) I decided to focus on new or small writers on Wattpad.
Why New or Small Writers?
If you are new to writing, or maybe it's your first original material, or maybe you're trying a new genre, how do you improve?
Are all your writing friends online like mine are? Do you ever feel like you don't want to pester them to read your story? How DO you even ask for advice or feedback without looking needy? And how do you do it on Wattpad? There's no good place to do it.
You have to message people and do read-for-reads :/ Yes, it's good to do things in exchange. Lovely. But what if you don't like the story or...let's be honest, read-for-reads can be a pain. I've done a TON of them. Maybe the other person doesn't respond or does minimal work compared to you...the drama...
It is SO HARD to find someone who will read and critique for nothing in return.
But what if there was someone...like...me? (I suddenly thought about "Friend Like Me" from Aladdin)
Critiques and Feedback by a Fox | resource book
Random[Offering First Two Chapters Feedback FREE] Are you a new writer or a small writer? Or maybe you've tried a new genre, and you want to improve? But where can you find help? This is the place. With 15 years of writing experience, and at least 3-4 yea...