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Note: I've posted the cover and the intro/cast page of book two on my profile if you guys want to go ahead and save it. It's where season 2 will be published.

He came to fairly quickly, vision swimming as his eyes blinked open. The first thing he saw were his own legs, which told him he was seated. The strain of his shoulders and the crimping of his wrists told him he was handcuffed behind his back, which didn't bother him nearly as much as the blood splatters beneath his feet did.

Lifting his head took a bit more effort than he was expecting, but when he succeeded, his eyes landed on Shiralai Arlov and a relaxed expression settled over his face immediately.

The Russian mobster was confused. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but you almost seem pleased to be here."

Cho studied the blood beneath his feet again, and concluded that it wasn't nearly enough to suggest that Ronnie had been murdered or dismembered or anything to that degree.

Of course he was pleased to be there. It was the biggest break in the case since they'd discovered who'd grabbed her. "I'm prepared to offer you a trade." Cho announced, eyes lifting once more. "Me and Masters for your son."

Arlov's eyes darkened furiously, and his fists clenched at his sides. "How dare you?"

"If you want him back, you'll make the trade." Cho responded simply.

The tall, blonde diplomat gave an arrogant laugh and shook his head. He couldn't believe the absolute nerve of both CBI agents in his captivity. How could he have managed to nab two of the most infuriating people in the state of California? "Why would I trade one body for two?"

"You can have him alive for both of us." Cho bargained coldly. "You can have him dead for Masters."

Arlov flew across the room to drive his fist into the agent's face, succeeding in drawing blood on the first strike. "I already know my son is dead. How dare you try my patience?"

Cho couldn't speak to carry out his attempt to deceive him. When he'd moved, he'd cleared Cho's line of sight to the steel, hospital-style table that stood in the back corner of the stall. A naked woman lie atop it, bound by the wrists and ankles, covered in visible burns and bruises.

As he watched, the woman turned her head and met his eyes.


"He already knows Vanya was killed, Cho." Ronnie muttered into open air. It hurt to crane her neck enough to see him, and besides, she didn't like to see that overwhelming horror that had taken over his face as soon as he'd laid eyes on her.

"Are you okay?" His voice came to her raspy and choked, like he couldn't bear to get the words out. He'd seen it all already—not just the entire length of her body that was completely exposed, fortuitously angled away so he wasn't looking up her legs, but the injuries that mottled her skin with marks that would add to her dozens of pre-existing scars.

She pondered on her answer, filtering through the levels of agony that constantly overcame her from the burns across her stomach to the lacerations across her legs. Arlov had left significant parts of her body clear of marks for strategic reasons that weren't hard to guess. He'd avoided her face and throat, ignored her shoulders and chest, and took special care to harm her in places that wouldn't be immediately evident in a revealing evening gown.

Arlov very clearly intended to use her as an escort and a lure again, and he didn't want his targets knowing she'd been disfigured until it was too late. She knew it, even from underneath his knife, and there was no way Cho wouldn't know it. "I need you not to look at me, Cho. Please."

Ronnie Masters | the MENTALIST (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now