When I say I go home, I usually don't...
I mean...what even is home?
"Home is where your heart is," some people say.
But where is my heart?

Some even say, "Home is where your family is."
My so called "family" consists my dad and me.
But I don't know if I want to call him my family or even my dad... But I need to.

If we say that your home is where you live, I would show you a small house by the street.
My house.
I mean, the house where my "family" lives.
From the outside it looks like every other house in this street...
It's mostly white with a grey roof and a black chimney. Our chimney doesn't get used a lot.
It also has a veranda with some furniture on it.
So, you see, very normal.
Expect for the not so perfect garden...
But the garden used to be as beautiful as the other ones. With perfect green grass, a white fence and colorful flowers.
Now it has not so perfect grass with dirty spots lurking out.
However, who worries about the not to 100% perfect garden, right?
I mean, it's just the garden.

Nobody would think that the inside of this house is like a big stack of garbage, garbage and a lot more...garbage.
Nobody would think that the inside is filled with two broken souls, that more try to survive than live, and forgot a long time ago what a loving family is.
Nobody would think that in the inside is a father that is an alcoholic with a daughter that just wants to feel loved and not guilty.
Nearly her whole life in this house, she just has fallen guilty.
Gets punished for things she hasn't even done.
But...who cares?
It's just the inside...
Nobody would see, right?
Nobody would recognize, right?
And nobody would worry about it, right?

I don't even want to go there if I can avoid it.
Therefore I usually walk to the gas station.
Sometimes I just pass by at the gas station and then make my way to Aaron.
Yes, he knows about the inside of my house.
He's my best friend and the only person I told about it.
Even if I had tried not to, he knew something was wrong. So eventually, I told him...
I'm still scared that he will tell someone in the future.
I know that I shouldn't be scared, that I need to and should trust him.

Here I am now, walking to the gas station, not planning to visit Aaron after it, because he's clearly busy.
The way from my school to the gas station is by foot about 10 minutes, so I can just listen to music and calm down while walking to it.
I put my handphones in and the hood of my hoodie on and let's go.


About 10 minutes later...
"Hey Joe!," I greet Joe as soon as I put one foot in the gas station.
"What's uuup!," he shouts from behind the counter, "Want the usual?"
I nod and he starts to make me a coffee.
I love Joe. As a friend obviously. But really, I do love him.
I can talk with him about the most random shit. And he has a thing for bikes and cars, what makes him even more likable.
He's in his mid thirties and always wears a cap and clothes that doesn't really fit his age. But Joe doesn't give a shit.
Joe also got his own problems, like we all do, and he doesn't like to talk about them, just like me.
He doesn't know about the inside of my house, however he knows that something is not right.
"There you go," Joe says while sliding my coffee over the counter. Of course he spills some of this hood liquid.
I rolls my eyes and smirk, "You know, you don't need to act cool in front of me."
I give him a wink as I take a sip of my coffee.
I needed this.

Joe and I start talking about everything, and I also tell him about this strange biker. Of course Joe thinks that I'm just jealous that Aaron talks to other people except of me, even though that's not true.
I start to smile and enjoy the time.

At this gas station I can just calm down.


I hope u liked that chapter! <3
This thing with the "inside of my house" will repeat and yes, maybe it sounds childish, but that's what I want.
Have a good day!!!

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