The NightMare Of a DayDream

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I scream in horror as I am being chased by the scare crow that haunted me as a kid when I would stare out the window to see it turn its head towards me when my parents would fight . I look back to see if I've out run it ,... there's nothing ,
it had seemed to disappear, like something had come out of the sky and grabbed it. I turn back trying to look for my house , but all of a sudden I'm not standing in a cornfield anymore, it disappeared just like the scare crow that was chasing me. "where was I ". I asked myself. It wasn't like I ran along distance. I'm pretty sure I would remember if I left the cornfield or not.
"Everything is gone" . I said sadly.
The setting was white , just white... nothing , nothing was here, but I couldn't hear a thing . It was like I went deaf. All of a sudden, my mom crawls from the ceiling in a demonic like form. As she yelled "YOU WILL NEVER BE MY HEART,MY SOUL IS SPREAD AMONG HELL TO SEE IN THE EYES OF THE WEAK". With tears in my eyes I start shaking, I try moving , I can't. I just start shaking, I try screaming for help but I can't , I am left there helpless but shaking, but then I hear it....,"RING...RING...RING".

~Sorry this was short, please give me ideas for the next chapter.~

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