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For the second time, Khaotung woke up in a hospital room.
His face had so many wounds that one of his eyes could not open due to swelling.
After regaining full consciousness Khaotung immediately sat up from lying down making Marc and Mrs Thana who were currently looking after him gasp in surprise.

"Honey, you can't move too much." Mrs Thana gently stroked the back of Khaotung who looked panicked and then asked about First's whereabouts.

"Lay your body down first, Khao."

"Is he here too? What about Mike?"

"Khaotung, lie down first-"


Khaotung's chest rose and fell, showing that his worry and panic had turned to anger as his mother continued to evade his questions.

"First is at the police station, s
he's fine. I contacted him and he asked me to take care of you."

Marc then rubbed Khaotung's shoulder then gently asked Khaotung to lie down as his mother wanted.
Marc also reminded Khaotung that the person he was yelling at right now was his mother, it was obvious that Mrs Thanawat looked surprised because Khaotung had never yelled at her like that.

"Why is he at the police station? He didn't do anything wrong, I-" Khaotung recalled how Mike had beaten him up and how he had fought back by poking Mike in the eye with a pen. Then before he finally fainted after seeing the blood on the classroom floor as well as his body, he saw First blindly beating Mike.


"Khao, catch your breath." Marc immediately hugged Khaotung who seemed to suddenly have difficulty breathing. "Don't think about anything, everything is fine."

"Aunty will call the doctor," said Mrs Thana and quickly left her son's room.



First raised his head, looking at Fluke who had come to visit him at the police station with Gawin and Joong.
Nan immediately asked them to be quiet and wait outside the office, as First was currently still being identity checked and interrogated about what had just happened.
Fluke actually looked reluctant to come back out of the office, but he had to wait outside with the others and listen to Nan's explanation of what happened.
Also in the other room were Mrs Khana and Mr Khana, they were shocked to hear that the attack on Khaotung and First had resulted in the attacker being hospitalised.
Mrs Khana couldn't stop crying as she saw her only child at the police station, her normally childlike face now looking serious.
Mrs Khana didn't recognise First because of how different he looked.

"First will only be examined as a witness, after his interrogation is complete we will take him to the hospital." Although First didn't have serious injuries like Khaotung, his father still wanted to go take him to the hospital.

"How can this happen to children? Poor First, Khaotung too."

Back at First, he looked impatient to get out of here and see Khaotung who he had seen in the school building being carried by Louis and the police into the ambulance while he had to go to the police station with Nan.

"What's your relationship with the victim?"

"Friends," First replied.

"Do you know the victim's relationship with the perpetrator?"

"The perpetrator liked the victim more than teacher to student, the victim rejected him repeatedly but the perpetrator did not stop bothering him."

"You chose to attack him so sadistically that you didn't even bother to call the police as if you were ready to kill him, has this happened before that you seem to be out of control?"

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