What Do I Title This Chapter?

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"Alright buddy," Y/N said, "you've learned about every single one of my inventions, I'm shocked we did this in under a year, and to reward you, I made an exact copy of the one invention I never thought you could work"

 Evan tilted his head. "Why?" He asked. "Because you Evan, " Y/N started, "you listened to me when I spoke about how everything works, and nobody has ever done that before, not even my own family. You cared, you took notes, and you asked questions when you needed to, Everyone else just thought I was stupid, but you didn't. You made an effort to understand. You wanted to know about every invention that I was willing to make. You didn't want them to go to waste. You cared about what I was saying, but enough with the stupid speech I've been rehearsing for hours, I want to give you an exact replica of my portal gun, "

she grabbed a small gun. It was all grey. It had a small handle, a little keypad like the teleporter, and a flat top with a half-circle with what looked like the universe itself. She handed the portal gun to Evan. Before he quickly hugged her and smiled, "Thank you..." he whispered. "You're welcome, buddy." Y/N looked down at him

 "Hey, can I... do something that I feel you deserve, but I also feel like I have to ask you before I do so?" She asked quietly. Evan nodded slightly and brushed his hair out of his face. Y/N kissed him on his forehead,

 "Y/N!" Her mother screamed. "Your friends are here!" Y/N tilted her head. "I- wha- who... alright, mother, I'm coming. Evan, You stay here, I'm gonna go see who this is," she walked out of the garage, leaving Evan shocked and confused. Why did she kiss him? 

How does the portal gun work? Why does he feel like his stomach was twisted up a knot? Well, he would get complex answers to his simple questions, because that's how Y/N was, but his thoughts were interrupted by sounds of pain and agony

and then Y/N walked back into the garage with cuts and scratches, all over her, tears were rolling down her cheeks, some of her muscles were almost visible in multiple places, and blood violently flowing out of her left leg 

"Y/N are you okay?" Evan asked, "What happened out there?" Y/N nervously turned around and shut the door "Bud..." she started "Your brother is on steroids, and oh my actual god, he's... he's trying to kill me..."

 Evan didn't know what to say, he was shocked "he- he broke my forcefield, he left me like this to keep me in pain and to weaken me, but promise me something, Evan" She wiped the tears off of her face

"Promise me that if he does end up killing me, you will show him true pain and true fear" Evan nodded "Of course I will," he said,

"but- but I won't let you die from him, and once those steroids wear off, I'll-I'll teach him a lesson, I'll teach him what it's like having a brain!" Y/N smiled "I taught you so fucking well," she said quietly

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