Maybe today is not a great day

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29th March 2027

Gabriella's POV

"Nice response time 19" Ripley said as everyone jumped up the engines. "We are just about to raise the fire to a 5 alarm, it's all hands on deck"

"Where do you want us" bishop asked as she up on the rest of here gear.

"West side of building, 23 and 17 have the east, but be careful in there guys, the building is not very structurally sound, we have reports of 5 missing employees, your mission is to get in and get out, go in pairs and don't wonder off, no one has to die today"

"Thank you chief, Warren with Montgomery, Herrera with Gibson, hughes with miller and Deluca-bishop with me, let's go guys and stay safe out there" Maya ordered as we headed in and all split up.

"Mom I've been into many fires and I'm a lieutenant now, you don't have to stick by my side, I know what I'm doing" I tell her and we start searching.

"I know baby girl but I thought it would be nice to work together today, and it's a very big fire, I just want to know you are safe." She replied.

"I know, I know you do, but we won't always be together" I replied.

"But for now we are and we have a job to do" she explained.

"lithium batteries, I repeat lithium batteries, don't use water on the fire" came through their radios.

"That's not good" I say.

"No it's not, which mean our time in here has been cut in half, let's get a move on" Maya said.

"Mayday, mayday, firefighter down, firefighter down, I need some help" Ben called over the radio.

"Montgomery !!!" I shouted. "Bishop and bishop Deluca, on our way" I say over the radio as we head into their direction.

"Warren what happened" Maya said as we found them.

"We found a victim behind the shelf but before we could get to her it fell on top of us, I got out but Montgomery is trapped, I need help lifting it up" he explained.

"We've got you Montgomery" I said as we all got ready to lift.

"My leg is broken in at least 5 places, there is no way I can walk out of here" he says.

"It's fine, we've got you" bishop said. "On my count, 3, 2,1"

As Maya and Ben started to lift, I grabbed montgomery's arms and dragged him out. "He's out" I shout.

"Warren have you got him? " bishop asks " we will go find the victim"

"Yeah I've got him, you guys go" he replies.

"Firefighters, you have exactly 1 minute to get out, the roof is going to cave" Ripley said over the radio.

"Let's get this victim and go" I say as we head behind the selves before disaster struck.


And everything went black

"Firefighters report"

"Montgomery and Warren"

"Herrera and Gibson"

"Hughes and Miller"


"Bishop, bishop-Deluca, report"

"Bishops ?"

"Maya....Gabriella ?"

"Owwwww" I say as I suddenly come around.

"Mom ...... MOM!!!!!!!" I scream as I see her lifeless body.

"Mayday, mayday, firefighter down, captain bishop is down"

"Mom, mom, please wake up" I say as I shuck her shoulder.

"Ga...Gabri.....Gabriella" she replies as she opens hes mouth and blood comes out.

"Mom, we have to get out of here." I say

"No you have to go" she replies.

"I'm not leaving you" I say with a tear in my eye .

"Yes you are, carina can't lose too people today, I have we've crash injuries to my abdomen, I'm bleeding internally and I'm being crushed by a ton of bricks, you need to get out before the roof collapses again" she says, blood still in her mouth.

"No mom, I'm not leaving you, all we have to do is get you to the hospital, and Grey and Webber and Bailey, they can save you okay, we are going to save you okay, you just have to hold on, because I love you" I say crying and trying to get her out.

"No Gabriella you have to stop baby girl, in less than 2 minutes my lungs are going to collapse, you have to get out" she barely says.

"I'm staying with you okay, no argument" I say as I grab her hand and squeeze it tight. "I love you so much, so does mama and so does Luca, we can't lose you like this okay, you were supposed to grow old with mamma, become grandparents and travel the world, just try to hold on okay. You were always supposed to be mom, you changed my life for the better ever since you walked into my life. So you have to hold on. Mama wanted me to tell you that she loves you, when I was on the phone earlier, she wanted me to tell you that she loves you, we all do."

"I love you guys so much......" she replied as she took her last breath.

"NOOOOOOOOO" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"Gabriella ?" Andy says as the rest of the team appear.

"No no no no no" I say as I cry the hardest I've ever cried as the rest of the team just stand still silent.

"Gabriella we have to get out of here" Warren says.

"No I'm not leaving her" I sob as vic and Andy come to my side.

"We've got her, let's get you out of here" Andy says as she and vic lifts me up and help me out of the building.

"GABRIELLA" shouts my girlfriend Alexis before I pass out into her arms.

Gabriella and her bambina ( a marina story ) part 2Where stories live. Discover now