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So it was last day of living here we are heading back tomorrow

Zara- wake up all morning

Zoya- let's go we will enjoy our last day

Rose- with food

Lisa- ok They went and fresh up

Boys went to swimming in bank of sea

They wear their clothes and phone rings

Mom- u all girls and boys get back we want to talk to u guys

Jennie- can we stay 1 last day

Dad- No buts and if packup
We arrange flight for u guys come home

Jisoo- Jin appa called us

Rm- yes Nonna we are heading back to Korea

Junkook- we know thar

Jennie- ok pack up we have light

Their outfit
Girls outfit

Their outfit Girls outfit

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( They wore like this outfit)

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( They wore like this outfit)

They went to airport

After reaching Korea

Mom- u all my kids came caring bts head

Dad- u all go we want to talk with u all fresh up

After fresh up

Mom- Zara how can be bitch and call Emily that see this video
The video shows that all bp ,iu ,Zara and Zoya were fucking

Iu- Mom u believe this video rather than us

Dad- it's proof see

Zoya- don't middle us Mr kim we live with u like 2 month ago but with mom by ages

Mom- but I regret giving u affection, love
How can u be like this
U have bf too

Emily- Mom I told u na they are like this they hate me but

Jisoo- shut up or else u will see death

All got scared ex bp,ztwins, iu

Twice enter smirking with Emily

Twice all went to their bf and hug them

Tzuyu- babe they bully us when we are in high-school

Jihyo- yes

Jk- how can u noona
But let me make clear if u touch my goal I will forget u were my sisters

Jimin- I told u guys from starting but u don't belive us

V- ur are not staying hereww don't want our home to fill with u shits

Zara- u mf keep ur mouth shut and
Mr and Mrs kim well u don't trust ur blood
We don't want to live here too
Don't dare to call my sisters bad words or else u will see hell

Zoya slap Emily which made her faint

All got shocked

Jennie- let's go our cars has come

Jisoo- babies let's go

Maknae line were glaring girls but

Rose, Zara,Zoya and lisa- show middle finger which make them angry

All went to black diamond mansion

We were hanging our heads down and went inside boys came and hug us We started crying which made them panic  they console us and ask what happen

Ren jia- what happen babies

Jisoo- u know( sobs)

Jennie- Mom no Mrs kim

Iu- disown us

All boys were in shock
Zara- our cousin and brothers gf don't like us so they photoshop and edited that we are fucking man's

Zoya- u believe that we can do this
( sobs)

Eunwoo- no bubby u can never let's go

Forget them we are family na so be happy

All carry their partners in bridalway and went toward their rooms and sleep

Mafias siblings ff bts,blackpink, iu,twinsWhere stories live. Discover now