Japan x South korea

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- Heavy swearing because yes.

- Japan empire

- R@pe, torture etc





okay lemme get fr now

Japan empire once invaded Joseon and here's some thing about it.

This is a list of what 안중근 의사 said when he was on the court in China. He was the one who killed basically the leader of Japanese empire in Harbin, China, and was sent to the court right after. This is what he said during the court.

↳ Killing joseon's queen

↳ Making joseon's king get out of his place by threating

↳ Making 을사늑약 ( basically a promise between japan and josean which is a huge loss for joseon ) happen with force and power

↳ Killing hundreds and thousand of innocent koreans

↳ Stealing joseon's elements and animals

↳ Making koreans use Japan's money

↳ Putting excuses for destroying korean army

↳ Burning student's text book and taking away the rights to learn

↳ Taking away korean's freedom to travel abroad for studies

↳ Threating the news company to stop spreading news about joseon's freedom

↳ Changing joseon's laws and rules without a permit

↳ Getting josean's government's power by threats and weapons

↳ lying to the entire world saying that joseon wanted japan empire's control on the first place

↳ faking that josean is fine under japan empire's control lying to the global population

↳ destroying the asian peace

I know that's a long list but that is what makes it even worse. Sadly 안중근 의사 got executed after the court. His mother sent him a letter telling him to not deny his death as it is denying the independence of Joseon. His dead body is still somewhere in Harbin, China, and it haven't returned to Korea.

And those aren't just it, Japanese r@ped Korean womens and basically made them stuck in a jail-like room. It's honestly disguisting on how Japanese r@ped the koreans who were locked in a room.

AND second, Japanese government still doesn't give a fucking shit about the craps they did in the past, they literally do not give a fuck- Never apologizing and even surpporting Japan empire, teaching the fake news to the japaneses saying that Japan empire was a fucking world savior, and making goods like anime, T-shirts and caps with Japan empire flag on it.

Honestly I don't hate Japanese, I HATE JAPANESE GOVERNMENT. Japan empire is NO DIFFERENCE than the Nazi. Atleast Germany apologized, Japan support Japan empire. This is why I hate Japan even more than Germany. Germany actually apologized truly and Germans are even apologizing, BUT JAPAN??? I just don't fucking see how people think Japan empire is OKAY. People NEEDS to start learning for god's sake that JAPAN EMPIRE IS JUST LIKE NAZI.

Oh and just to put it up, I once saw a meme where Japan is overworking to pay for what Japan empire has done on the past and that is bullshit. Japan never even tried to get better with Korea's relationship. Even to nowadays Japan claims that korea's island territory Dokdo is theirs. What the actual fuck. JAPAN TRIES TO STEAL KOREAN'S TERRITORY.

If you talk back to anything on the comments, I will make a fucking goddamn 1000 words paragraph proving you are wrong.

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