Chapter 1

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As i was standing on top of a roof top watching over this town that honestly disgust me from its actions but i am their "hero" so i must protect them from all the evil, btw my name is mysterion,i am fucking poor,i have a little sister i care about,and my real name is 𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲,i am a "hero" to this town called south park Colorado protecting them from my arch nemesis 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐚𝐬 ,he is about the same age as me,has light blonde hair,sky blue doe eyes with the most beautiful lashes ever,button nose,full eyebrows,big but small lips,perfect skin,nice body,powerful with his electric powers,seduce yet so adorable angel accent WAIT WHY THE FUCK IM TALKING ABOUT HIM?!,ok i have to stop im being weird anyways im here watching over the town just in case if choas comes to plan something evil as always until i heard lightning coming from behind me,i knew who it was.

"Hi Mysterion~"

"What the hell do you want choas."

"Nothing i just wanted to see you~"

"I don't believe your lies."

"Wow harsh but fine,i just thought i could cause some choas around here"

"You know I wouldn't let that happen."

"Yeah i know so why not fight,and if you let me then i could give you something in return~"

"No,and stop trying to seduce me it's not working."
It is actually maybe i could let him.

"Are you sure?~"
He then walks over to me putting his arms around my neck
I punched him in the face making him get off of me

"God mysterion!!,you are so selfish!"

"Says yo-"
He then uses he's electric powers to electrocute me making my arm burn

"Fuck!-you bitch"

"Then fuck me"

He laughs honestly that was kinda funny.
We then fight until we grew tired,he was breathing so heavily honestly it was kinda hot?

"I see you step up your game choas"
I say while breathing heavily

"Well i had to keep up with you"he says breathing heavily.
"Well i have to go,it was nice meeting you again mysterion maybe next time you could find out who i am~"
He then walks up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek trying to pull my hood down but I grabbed his wrist tightly,he smiled using his powers to electrocute me from letting him go,he ran off while laughing i tried to ran after him but he always gets away some how.
God i just wish i could find him but im to tired for any of this,i should just go home and get some sleep.
As i open my room window i changed my clothes to my regular ones and knock down to sleep on my mattress,finally i get some rest until the sun rises,so much for peace,i got up to wash my face and teeth basically getting ready for school,as I finished I looked in the mirror to check out my self,god i must say im hot as hell,as I finished i put on my shoes and head out the door I arrived the bus stop and saw my 3 dickhead friends stan,kyle,cartman.we been friends since kindergarten and now we are in high school,we all been together ,sticking together and doing things together so you could say I consider them as my family more than my actual blood related family.

"Hey kenny,how was your weekend?"
Stan says

"Nothing much just sleeping and working,you?"
"Same it was fucking boring,i would rather be in school or with you guys instead of being at home"

"I agree but hey we are here"
The bus then arrived and we all got on and sat in our regular spots as i was about to sit down i saw leopold aka butters god he is such a goddess even just reading his book,if you didn't know i have a big massive crush on butters everytime i try talking to him i start stuttering and getting all nervous which makes me look stupid,I didn't even realize i was staring at him all the time

𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now