Chapter 3: Thunder and Flower

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Two month's have passed since Jaune had supposedly left Shade and his team to Join the crown, and the complete disbandedment of JNPR. Nora ventures with SSSN to a village in the south, however, when Sun and his team lay their eyes on Nora, she looks the worst they had ever seen her. Ren himself goes to Theodore for help and thankfully the Headmaster can offer him some. Sage and Nora share a moment before they are interupped by Neptune who brings some bad and good news.







The Bullhead awaited them, its metal exterior gleaming under the desert sun. Sun and his team approached, knowing Nora would await them inside. The mission to the south of Vacuo was unusual; few Huntsmen ventured there despite its dense population.

Nora had been absent lately, consumed by a relentless pursuit of Jaune's whereabouts and any clues about The Crown. As they boarded the Bullhead, they found Nora already seated, but she appeared markedly different from their last encounter.

Her once vibrant hair now hung long and unkempt, a wild mane of orange cascading around her shoulders. Her once vibrant outfit had faded and worn, evidence of relentless missions. Even her iconic weapon, Magnhild, showed signs of wear from countless battles.

Yet it was Nora's eyes that revealed the toll of her quest. Once bright, they now held a weariness that spoke volumes.

"Hey, Nora," Sun greeted, attempting cheerfulness.

Nora blinked, her response sluggish. "Hey," she replied, her voice heavy.

"How have you been?" Sun inquired, taking a seat across from her.

Nora stretched, wincing in discomfort before settling back. "Tired," she admitted. "Feels like I haven't slept in days,"

Sun nodded knowingly. "Probably because you haven't," he observed. Concern etched into his features, Sun pressed, "Have you found anything about Jaune?"

Nora sighed heavily. "Hardly anything," she confessed. I've only heard whispers of the Crown's failed attempts to abduct individuals with powerful semblances, and rumors are circulating about their influence over certain bandit tribes, but besides that, nothing concrete," she said.

"So, we're still in the dark," he observed, a note of frustration creeping into his voice.

A troubled expression accompanied Nora's nod, her hesitation evident as she began to speak. "But..." she started, her voice trailing off into uncertainty.

Sun's curiosity piqued at Nora's pause, a flicker of concern crossing his features. "But what?" he prompted gently, sensing the weight behind her unfinished sentence.

Nora's expression turned grim, "If any of these rumors are real, then they're not just a bunch of Rouges trying to stir trouble," She told him, "Sun, they're aiming for something much bigger, They're gearing up for war—a full-fledged army, possibly large enough to threaten Vacuo itself,"

Sun's expression mirrored Nora's concern as he absorbed her words. "A terrorist organization is building an army to attack a city and the Huntsmen Academy... It's like history repeating itself," he sighed heavily. "Have you told Ren?" Sun inquired, his tone laced with concern.

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