𝟻𝟸| 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐤

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The studio's parking lot was crowded with police vehicles and imposing journalists by the time your little Scooby gang arrived at the crime scene. Sarah Darling, one of the actors you'd briefly spoken with yesterday, was killed inside earlier this morning — stabbed through the back.

After Dewey received the news from Jennifer, he alluded to the fact that both murders happened in the same order they were supposed to die in the movie. And after skimming through the new script Roman had given you, you quickly discovered that Gale's character was apparently the next victim.

This revelation did not sit well with Miss Gale Weathers.

The order could've easily been a coincidence as there have only been two deaths, but chances are, probably not. So, you all headed inside to speak with the detectives to figure out what exactly happened before jumping to conclusions.

Dewey and Randy split off to find Jennifer, who was around here somewhere while you and Gale entered the lobby where the film's production took place. You made a right down the corridor full of doors to see parts of the area were enclosed with yellow barricade tape. As you neared Roman's office, you noticed the transom window of his door had been shattered as bright red blood stained the wood below.

Your movement halted, nearly ramming into Gale's back as she suddenly stopped in front of you. You followed her line of sight as two detectives entered the corridor from a side hall up ahead.

You immediately recognized the two as you saw them yesterday on set.

"Detective Kincaid, what do we know? Same killer?" Gale questioned as they headed back your way, down toward the lobby. The attractive one's head turned at the sound of his name as you and Gale quickly trailed behind them.

"Hey. Hey," His partner interjected. "Terminal Entertainment, this is a crime scene, okay?"

"Wallace, Miss Weathers is working with me now," Kincaid stated, much to his partner's disapproval.

"Thank you, Detective." Gale smiled while exiting the corridor. When they paused to stand beside the archway in the lobby, you chose to remain silent as you weren't sure that your input was wanted or needed.

"Well, in that case, I'm gonna go dust for fingerprints with Jane Pauley." Wallace spoke dryly, and Gale rolled her eyes.

"Photos, Wallace, please?" Kincaid held his hand out as his partner passed him two black-and-white pictures. "Thank you."

Wallace left the area as Kincaid passed the photos over to Gale to inspect.

"New pictures, same person." He stated, and you stepped closer to take a look yourself. Just as Gale previously said, both pictures were of a young Maureen Prescott, each in different settings. "Anything turn up on your research, yet?"

"Nothing that will help with these," Gale replied.

"What about Jennifer?" You asked, glancing between the two. "She'll need protection if she's the next one to get killed in the script."

"She has a bodyguard," Kincaid informed, finally returning your gaze. Those teal blue eyes left you feeling totally exposed as he studied you for a moment before turning to take back the pictures of Maureen. "Besides, the producers told us there were three different versions of the script. Something about trying to keep the ending off the internet."

Gale shifted as you shared an uneasy look with her.

Yesterday, you remembered Sarah getting all worked up when you gave her the new script, frustrated as the constant change made it difficult to memorize her lines. If there was more than one script, maybe Gale wasn't the next victim.

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