Episode 145

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Nami: We're dead!
Usopp: There's no monster this is just a big, stupid dream that were all having together for some reason
Chopper: a dream right
Three: It's just a dream... They went to walk away
Stella: you realize our boy just got eaten....
Robin: Along with the ship.
Usopp: How come you two are so calm?
Robin: There's no doubt about it, I can see the air hoses are dangling from its jaw.
Usopp: Stop!
Chopper was screaming. A sea monster ate my friends! What are we going to do? He was running
Usopp: This is all your fault! You said it would be safe at the bottom of the Grand Line. I don't know what qualifier as safe in your book, but in mine, it's not a man-eating turtle!
Nami: You're right! I'm sorry
Usopp: I guess that's all I'm getting out of you. The hoses start to get pulled.
Robin: unless we cut the hoses, it just drags us to the bottom of the ocean.
Usopp: I don't care what you do, just do something! You and Stella are tough and smart!
Robin: Give me a minute to sew what I can do. The turtle drags them.
Man:our captain is alive! We'll find him.
Usopp: That's right! Challenging times like this, teams we're made of.
Nami: Usopp.
Usopp: Yeah.
Nami::Cut the hose and get us out of here!
Usopp: Are you the devil
Chopper: She's a devil!
Stella: No.
Nami: What!
Stella: Did you think about yourself when thinking that? If they die there's only so much Robin, and I can do to defend you guys.
Nami: But.
Stella: If we go down! We go down together. I'm leaving the boys behind because Usopp and you are sacred.
It went dark
Usop What is that? It's like everything got dark!
Nami: can't be! It's not that late yet! Why is it dark?
Usopp: It's time to leave now! Luffy! Zoro! Sanji! 
Man: This is a bad omen! This sudden night is the harbinger of the monsters.
Man 2: Thye'll sink our ship! We have to save our boss and get out of here!
Luffy came up.
Nami ran to him and smacked his face repeatedly. What happened? Are you dead? Where are the others?
Sanji and Zoro come on with bags
Stella: Zoro! Sanji.
Zoro: Set sail! Hurry and get us out of here!
Sanji: He's crazy!
Usopp: I'm glad you're safe! Now, let's get away from they turtle as fast as we can!
Zoro: A turtle? No, there was a monkey in the sea!
Monkey: Yeah, a real sea monkey.
Zoro: Can't say I was surprised that he and Luffy for as well as they did.
Sanji: Well, they are both monkeys.
Zoro: But when he saw all the stuff that we got from the ship, he flipped and went on the rampage.
Sanji: I've never seen a primate act like that before!
Usopp: That Masira, the king of all salvagers. Never mind him, his did you three escape from the giant turtle's mouth?
Both: Trutle? What turtle?
Usopp: Something wrong with the turtle. Now it's floating there with its mouth open. So that's how you guys escaped!
Both: We were in that thing's mouth?
Stella: Nothing gets past you does it? That thing ate the ship! I swear you guys can get robbed and you wouldn't know.
Luffy: Why is it nighttime?
Zoro: Attention, all hands! We're setting sail now?
Marisa: Hold on! He gets on their boat. You punks! Don't think you can get away after stealing treasure from my turf!
Nami: Treasure? There was treasure?
Luffy: Yeah, there was a lot.
Zoro: Crap! If that guy goes on a rampage on the ship...! He got his sword ready
Some were starting behind him.
Man: Bos behind you!
He does. There was a shadow.
Everyone saw.
There were Five Large Shadows.
Everyone was scared.
When Zoro is scared you know it's bad.
One held a spar
All: Monster!
The crew left as fast as they could.
Sanji, Usopp, Chopper, Zoro, And Lufty paddled.
There was a light they went through.
Zoro: There's no way someone can be that big...
Sanji lit a cigarette. Man, the Grand Line is just one mystery after another! Today, too.
Zoro: We saw a huge gallon fall from the sky.
Nami: the needle from the log compass is now pointing to the sky
Usopp: A weird monkey appears and salvages the ship.
Chopper: Then we saw a huge turtle that ate the whole ship.
Robin: Then night cam.
Luffy: At the end, we saw a huge monster who was dozens of times larger than Giants!
Stella: I wondered what will tomorrow bring us.
Marisa: Yeah, those guys even scared me.
All: Huh?
Sanji, Zoro, And Luffy kicked him
Beat it!
Usopp' Those monsters are too big for any of us to take them.
Chopper: Yeah.. I don't ever want to see them again.
Usopp: Don't sweat they're nothing... If I went all out, I
Would been able to beat them.
Chopper: Really
Usopp: Sure, I fought ten of those things a while back
Usopp: Ten of them?
Stella: Oh really you wouldn't mind going back to show us your skill.
Usopp and Chopper: No!
Nami: Tell me at least tried to find something that we can actually use
Luffy was walking around in armor
This is just a bunch of junk, not a single file about how to get to the sky Island.
Zoro: There wasn't anything, believe me. We looked.
Sanji: If there was something else out there, we would have found it. The ship was in terrible shape like it had been attacked and raided. Or perhaps there was a mutiny and they killed each other in a final struggle for power and survival.
Nami: Look around boys! This is why we need more information!  Intelligence means the difference between life and death for this crew! If we're going sail the Sky Island we need more information to stay alive or whatever happens to that ship could happen to us too! We didn't brave giant monsters for an octopus, rusty swords, and dishes! This is all junk and you're idiots! She steps one the things. What is that Luffy
Luffy: Armor.
Zoro: Whoa! She crushed the armor!
Sanji: You don't notice I got pretty shells for you Nami!
Nami: Cram your seashell in your shorts.
Sanji: Nami's cute when she's mad, too!
Usopp: You should keep your distance from her now.
Robin and Stella are sitting on the railing.
Robin; Having a tough time?
Nami: It's only goons get worse! Really, they are all a bunch id idiots! Now we can't get to our destination!
Robin: Here..
Nami: What? And eternal compass... This...
Robin: I took it from those monkey people's ship earlier... Just in case.
Nami crys. You're the only one on my side!
Stella: Oh I guess I can keep these berries I took from them.
Nami: Oh Stella you were always on my side.
Stella gave her the berries
Luffy: Sanji we got octopus! Let's make dinner!
Robin: It must be very tough for you two.
Nami: Jaya. It must their headquarters.
Luffy: Jaya! Are we going there?
Nami: That's your and Stella's decision.
Luffy: Alright: Jaya rudder full!
Usopp: Jaya rudder full!
Luffy:Nami Which direction would that be?
Luffy: Chopper give me a hand! Jaya speed ahead!
Usopp: Hey, hold on a second... If we go to Jaya's place,won't the log be updated there again? In other words... We won't be able to get to the sky island.
Luffy: Stop Jaya rudder! Hey Nami! What's the deal?
Nami: What? You're the one who decided to go to Jaya.
Luffy: Oh yeah. But I didn't think this would happen!
Nami: It's your fault you didn't think of it! The log compass has always worked like this, right?
Luffy: oh yeah... Hey, listen up! Since I'm the captain, I'll decide where we're going! I wanna go to Sky Island.
Usopp and Luffy are eating
Nami: Okay, but how?
Usopp: Would it be best off ask someone?
Luffy: Yeah, let's ask in Jaya.
Nami: Then we should go to Jaya.
Luffy: Alright, then! Jaya rudder full!
Usopp: Wait! You're going in a circle! He hits him
Robin; It's not as if a log can be stored as soon as we get there. So why don't we go to Jaya and leave before the next log hets stored?
Nami: I guess we need some luck.
All: Okay, then, we'll do what you just said...
Luffy: Alright guys! Let's go to Jaya, "Land of Meat"!
Stella: Don't dream up stuff like that!
Chopper: I wonder what kind of place Jaya is.
Sanji: Nami! Robin! Stella!  Your unprecedented dinner just for the ladies " is ready!
Masira: Damnit! Who the hell are they? Monkey kicking me like that!
The Buggy crew was on an Island not far from the Straw Hat Crew looking for Gold but found nothing and went back to the ship.
Mohji: Not one single piece I treasure n the whole rotten island.
Cabji: You should really watch what you say, Mohji. If there's one thing the captain hates is being wrong. Can't you see how red he's gotten with all the embarrassment?
Buggy: What noise is a big ref embarrassment?  He kicks him down.
Mohji: I hate to interrupt, but we don't have time for this. What are we going to do about those straw Hats? They're becoming the new Favorite pirates in the Grand Line.
Buggy: I have a plan of course. You moron. We'll just let them be for now.
Mohji: What? Why?
Buggy: You see, before an evil witch feasts the flesh of children, she makes sure to fatten them up understand? Idoits this ha why I'm the captain. The bigger their bounty gets.
Mohji: Oh, I see. You're a genius! The way, when? You take them down, your bounty will get even greater!
Buggy: Yeah, exactly!
Mohji: That's amazing! Shall we have a party in your honor of brilliance?
Buggy: Why not? Laughs.
They have a party.
Alvida: It's no time to horse around you guys.  If you can't figure out where Luffy and Stella are, how are you planning to beat them?
Buggy: Don't be so uptight, Alvida.  Nothing wrong with having a little fun
Ace: Luffy and Stella you say? If you wanna see Luffy and Stella. I'll tell you where they are.
Buggy: See? He'll tell us Luffy and Stella's whereabouts.  He points at Ace
Who the hell are you?
Ace; Sorry for crashing your party. I couldn't resist the delicious aromas of your feast.  My name is portray D. Ace, but you can call me Ace.
Buggy: No need to be formal. Nice to meet you, too. Ace eats a piece of meat.
I mean, what are you doing here, you idiot? I couldn't care less about your name mister Portags D. Ace!
Cabji: Captain, this guy is... He's fire fist! Fire Fist Ace! He's the captain of the Whitebeard's second unit!
All: The whitebeard?
Ace: So you know the old man? What a nice... He fell asleep.
All: He fell asleep.
Buggy: No I wouldn't
Mohji: Why not? This could be our only chance. If we defeat Fire Fist Ace, we'll become instantly famous!
Buggy: I said No! He tells them why.
A/n Lazy
Alvida: How is it that you know so much? Pray Tell.
Buggy: If you insist. Here on the Grand Line, years ago, I met him face-to-face. And I've never been the same since.
Ace: Sorry about that, I seem to have dozed off.
All: He's awake!
Ace stands up
Hey, why the long face, everyone? I thought this was a party, wasn't it?
Buggy: He's right! Men, commence having fun again! Ace, you sure know how to have a good time!
Ace: You guys have a lion? Be a good kitty and jump through this fire hoop!
Mohji: Okay show him, Rich!
Chopper: In wonder what kind of island Jaya js...
Luffy: I heard it's called the Land of Meat
Usopp: You don't know that, you just wish it were true. Because we've been eating the same old junk for days. Sanji takes their food away.
If you don't like it, don't eat them. These are for Nmai, Robin, and Stella anyway!
The three chase him around.
Zoro: I can't even imagine it, could there be an island in the sky?
Robin: We've experienced enough to know the answer by now. No matter he strange or illogical something may seem to us, the sew logic can make anything possible.
Nami: Mind. The key to the Sky Island is on Jaya.

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