32 •Una Anima•

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Una Anima

I wanna be yours - Artic Monkey

A/n: This chapter is a mature one. I'll put a warning, those who aren't supposed to read between away and well those who read enjoyyy.

Mia's P.O.V:-

Even though Hannah's wedding had been over for nearly two weeks, she and Augustine still exuded the most beautiful glow that comes with marriage—and that was even after they had enjoyed their opulent honeymoon in Paris. I must admit that I was a little jealous, but it was lovely to see Hannah as a wife.

Meanwhile, our relationship has experienced nothing short of joy over the last two weeks. These days, the best parts have been cuddles, kisses, and all that. It appeared that I had taken up half of Aiden's wardrobe, but he did not seem to mind. He was the main reason, somehow, for a variety of reasons, including cooking, making out, and cuddling—my personal favorite—or his puppy dog eyes (he recently learned something, though I am sure he will kill to admit it).

As it is, he has chosen the second choice, and I am straddling his waist. Laying kisses on his impeccable chest, his beautiful groans encourage me to continue. Not able to resist, I feel him grab the back of my neck and smash down his lips on mine while the other hand squeezes my ass.  We both gasp for air as he caresses my butt in a lazy manner—something he has been doing a little too much of. While I admire the hardness of his pecs, below my hand, "I want to take you on a date," he whispers.

"Why so suddenly? Something special?" I questioned, not that I minded; being around him is becoming my habit these days.

"Mia, you being with me is the only special thing. I need not find reasons to take you out." Being cheesy was not something I expected of him.

"By the way, could you grab that file for me?" Getting up from the couch, I made my way towards the coffee table. Grabbing the file, I saw a note fall down.

To my darling, it said. Below was a black box enclosed by a white bow. Glancing back at Aiden, I saw a cute grin on his face while his eyes held anticipation.

The box held some of the prettiest white lilies I had seen, and picking it up, a soothing smell entralled me. I could feel Aiden behind me as he slowly slid his hands to grab my waist from behind.

"They are so beautiful." I notice an enevolope giving Aiden a questioning gaze. I opened it.

"Will you go on a date with me?" In beautiful cursive, the question lay in front of my eyes.

"You could have just asked; this was all not necessary." I turn back around while he huffs, looking at me as if I am an idiot for saying such an absurd thing.

"My dad says that you should never stop courting your woman. He used to surprise Mom too, so this is always going to be there." his woman, I like the sound of that.

"And besides, I like doing things for you; it makes me happy." I must have saved a country or something in my previous life to get a man like him.



It would be a proper emotion to describe my situation currently, as I stand before my wardrobe looking at the clothes as if they were some alienated things.

After the giddiness had died down, I realized that a proper dress was needed, which was currently missing.

"I don't understand how you can even find a thing in this mess." Em's eyes scrunched in disgust as she viewed the mess of a wardrobe I had.

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