25 • Falling •

107 6 1



Falling-Trevor Daniel

a|n:- Contains mature language.

Mia's P.O.V.:-

"Why are you giggling?" I squint my eyes at Em who was unusually happy, as if she had just won a lottery.

"No reason" she replied, a mischievous glint reflecting in her eyes as she typed something on her phone.

"And don't bother trying to sneak up on my phone if you don't want to come across something unpleasant" with that she smirked at me trying to get the message across my head.

I didn't need to think twice before understanding what she meant.

"Ew, Em gross" I blanched thinking what she was hinting towards.

"Good Lord Em I am eating" both me and Hannah shiver in disgust.

"What she was the one who was interested. Stop being such nosy asses then." defending herself Em left to 'chat' with the said person.

It was a long and tiring week, I had never been eager for weekend. Well that may be because of the date, but that didn't mean that I was nervous because honestly I am shocked I didn't have a stroke by all the overthinking I have been doing.

I know people might think I am unnecessarily worrying, but can you blame me this is the guy I actually like and not some blind date or Em has set me up with. And seeing my track record I wouldn't be surprised if I did something to embarrass myself.

"Okay just because Aiden asked you doesn't give you a right to ignore us" a flick at my forehead made me yelp in pain and surprise.

"Ouch, Hannah! I wasn't ignoring you I was just lost in thoughts" I admit in a meek voice.

"You mean in Aiden's" they teased me while doing a failed impression of wiggling their eyebrows.

Before I could say anything my phone started blaring and Aiden's name flashed across the screen. Em was the one to first jump and literally pulling the phone out of my hand all the while Hannah held me down and also effectively shushing me.

"Hello, Aiden" she attended the call, the grin on her face as she mocked me was making me want to punch her but Hannah had a strong ass grip on me.

"Actually Aiden, I wanted to ask the date and all is good. But do you think I should carry a pair of extra clothes, you know if things get heated." all I could do was stare in disbelief, I wouldn't say I didn't accept it from her cause well its Em, but right now I was beyond mortified to even talk to him.

I try to wiggle out of Hannah's grip who was busy laughing her ass off, but to no avail. 

"Ok, you got me there. I was just testing you, King. And I must say you passed with flying colors" now this was making both me and Hannah curious regarding his answer as it is too damn difficult to please her, and here she was with a big ass grin.

"He was quite right, says Mia is too shy to ask something like this to him. And even if something were to happen, it would happen if both of them want it" covering the phone's speaker she conveyed the answer Aiden gave her, looking quite content. Looking at Hannah I could tell she was also no far away from there, while I on the other hand couldn't help but feel proud and giddy.

"But as far as I know, if given the chance he wouldn't waste a second to bang Mia. It's her, who is adamant on giving him blue balls" by now I know I was a tomato basically.

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