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I decided to take Blake to Pier 14, since it was one of my favorite restaurants.  

And of course, he had to be late and miss out reservation.  

I waited outside the restaurant for twenty minutes before he finally showed up.  And he was wearing a long hot pink feather scarf, dark shades, a bright Hawiian shirt, and cargo shorts with flip-flops.  

He gave me a sheepish grinned, apologizing that he had a good reason for everything and got us a table under ten minutes, which, I have to admit, I was a bit surprised at.  We sat at a table on the pier, watching the waves as the sun began to set.  

The beach was my absolute favorite place on the earth.  The sound of the waves in the distance felt so calming.  The view was just...amazing.  One time with Violet, we saw dolphins in the far distance.  It was amazing.  

For appetizers, I got calamari and Blake got a soft pretzel.  When the server came by with our order, Blake seemed very hesitant and resistant to try my calamari, insisting he didn't like seafood (if you're going to live by the beach, you have to like seafood).  

But finally, he took a bite.  And the look on his face made me smirk.  I knew he'd like it.  Pier 14 had some of the best food you'll ever taste.  

When the server came around again, after we'd finished our appetizers (I had to fight for a piece of Blake's pretzel), we ordered our main course.  

"So,"  I said, leaning back in my chair.  "What's with the outfit?"  

"What, don't like it?"  He teased, and I raised an eyebrow.  "I was spotted by people and uh, had to make a quick getaway."  

"You mean your fans?"  I questioned, and it was his turn to raise an eyebrow.  "Blake, my old roommate did a thorough background check on you.  Are you really surprised I know you're a model?"  

He brushed his chocolate hair back smoothly and grinned.  "Aw, you flatter me."  

I rolled my eyes.  "You wish you were handsome."  

He clutched his heart and pretended to be hurt.  I laughed and shook my head, taking a sip from my margarita the server had just brought by.  Blake took a sip from his beer, still giving me a hurt look.  I rolled my eyes.  

But then I froze.  "You are old enough to drink, right?"  

He rolled his eyes.  "I know my youth is enchanting, but really, Jodi.  I'm responsible enough to not go out underage drinking so publicly."  

I rolled my eyes, giving him a skeptical look.  

He laughed.  "Relax, Jodi.  Of course, I'm old enough to drink."  

Before I could answer, the server came by with our orders.  He placed a cheeseburger in front of Blake and cheese ricotta in front of me.  He put a plate of fantail shrimp on the table between us.  It was the only seafood thing I could convince Blake to try.  

We ate our food.  I picked on Blake for eating a cheeseburger at a seafood restaurant and stole some of his fries.  Of course, cheese ricotta isn't exactly seafood, but it was one of my favorite foods.  I couldn't pass it up.  

"So,"  I said.  "When are you going to try the shrimp?"  

He almost looked confused, which made me slink back in my chair, disappointed.  "I thought that was for you."  

"Oh, Blake,"  I said, putting my head in my hands.  "You're so hopeless."  

He grinned.  "You know you love me."  

"You know you care,"  I mumbled so quietly, barely audible.  

And yet he heard.  "So, shout it loud."  

"Cause I'll be there."  

Now he was grinning like a deranged idiot.  And sadly, I knew why.  Before I could stop him, he shot up from his chair and stood to address everyone on the pier.   Thankfully, it wasn't as packed as it was when we first arrived.  

"This is my best friend!"  He shouted, and I could feel my cheeks turn nuclear as I slid under the table in my chair.  "Just wanted you all to know.  Have a great evening."  

He sat back down and turned to face me, having a moment of confusion until he realized I'd sunk under the table.  My embarrassment and small panic attack made him laugh.  Once I was sitting upright in my chair, though, looking at him, all nervousness began to flee.  

He was my comfort person.  I felt free and relaxed around him.  Any fear or frustration or anxiety quickly disappeared when I was next to him.  He made me feel whole.  

That's what a comfort person did, right?  It was nothing more?  

A/N:  Hey guys :)  I'm trying to update once a week, so sorry for not updating in a little while.  Thanks so much for all of you guys who are reading, voting, and commenting, it means so much!  And for adding this story to reading lists.  

Be safe and have a great day, 

- Anne 

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