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A week.  

That's how long it's been since I moved into the apartment.  How long I've been searching for photography jobs.  But so far all I've been able to find are jobs in New Jersey, unless I want to be a Reporter.  

You would think I might be able to get someone to hire me, it's Myrtle Beach!  Who wouldn't want to look at a bunch of pictures of beach sunrises and sunsets and shops and yada yada.  

So far, the only people interested are my five followers I have on my blog.  

I needed to find a job so I could pay rent at the end of the month, but the first place I interviewed for was pretty obvious that I wouldn't be getting that job.  And that had been enough socializing for week, so I hadn't left the apartment since.  

In the meantime, pretty boy-I mean my new roommate, Blake, had another week till he started college classes, so he'd been hanging around and going out to do who knows what.  

I totally wasn't stalking him on social media.  

But hey, wouldn't you want to make sure your roommate wasn't a serial k!ller or something?  

Anyway, I needed a job.  Preferably one that doesn't involve talking to or looking at people, but I don't think I'm going to find that, so let's move on!  I found an online sight that's supposed to help me find a job, but I don't think it's doing a lot of helping.  

"Jodi?"  A rushed, quiet knock sounded on my door and I looked up to see Blake standing there.  "I'm about to head out.  Do you need anything?"  

I smiled slightly and shook my head.  "N-no thanks, I'm good."  

He nodded and waved before leaving.  I stared at the empty doorway for a few seconds longer, then went back to my computer, muttering to myself about how hopeless I was.  In case of an emergency, I could always call Violet.  

I picked up my phone and dialed her number.  The phone rang.  It went to voicemail.  Of course, it went to voicemail.  She was at work.  She was doing something purposeful with her life other than sitting in her room and thinking of jobs instead of actually searching for them.  

Seriously, how did I get myself into this mess?  

Then I had an idea.  I had three brothers.  They couldn't be too busy, could they?  I called my oldest brother, Caleb, didn't answer.  Neither did Aiden.  Or James.  James didn't have a life!  What was he even doing?  

Unless he had a secret life that he never told anyone about. . . 


I flung myself back on my bed and sighed, wanting to punch something.  Honestly, I should have moved to Texas with Violet.  Sure, there were a few jobs that might work, but then I had too much anxiety to do anything about it, especially after my last interview.  

"Viiiooolllleeeetttt,"  I pleaded, trying to call her again.  "Piicckk uuppp youurr pphhhooonnneeee."  

After twelve calls going straight to voicemail, I threw my phone onto my bed-only I overshot, and it landed on the floor.  Thankfully, it was fine, though there was a tiny crack on the screen that I hadn't noticed before.  But it still works so it's fine.  

"Alright, Jodi, you can do this,"  I said, taking a deep breath.  

Once I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my purse and camera, I went out with full intentions to go job hunting.  But when I opened the door, I just stood there.  

Then an idea hit me-it was meant to help get me out of the apartment, but it became my top priority.  I went out to find raspberry sherbet and came back with a whole tub that was gone by the next day.  

RoommatesWhere stories live. Discover now