A Long Awaited Reunion

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After enduring a hundred years of being trapped amid a storm of hatred, Princess Zelda emerged victorious from the chaos. The valiant knight, Link, defeated the calamity and as a result, Zelda was able to use the last of her strength to seal it away. With the calamity vanquished, a sense of peace was felt by all living creatures throughout the land. "I have been keeping watch over you all this time... I've witnessed your struggles to return to us as well as your trials in battle. I always thought, no, I always believed that you would find a way to defeat calamity ganon." Turning to her hero Zelda realized how much she had missed him, from his looks to his reassuring presence. "I never lost faith in you over these many years. Thank you, Link... Hero of Hyrule." Pausing for but a moment Zelda asked the one question she desperately wanted to know. "May I ask... do you really remember me?" Link paused for what felt like ages to Zelda, fearing in his haste Link hadn't regained his memories. Breaking the silent tension, Link spoke. "Throughout my long journey, I sought my lost memories. I can not remember all that I once knew." These words saddened Zelda who looked down disheartened."But if there is one thing I can remember clearly it is you, Princess Zelda." Zelda's disappointment gave way to visible and calming relief. Link and Zelda walked up to Hyrule castle taking in one last look before leaving. To Zelda, it looked as though she could see five figures ascend to the sky. Whistling Link called over a dark brown horse by the name of Barren. After climbing atop Barren Link extended a hand to Zelda, beckoning her to take hold. Reaching out Zelda took Link's hand and gently he helped her up. Clicking his tongue Link commanded Barren to move. As Link guided his horse, Zelda rested in his arms and finally felt the exhaustion from her century long struggle catch up with her. The rhythmic movement of the horse's trotting slowly rocked her to sleep. Sensing her drifting off, Link stopped briefly to cover her with his hood, ensuring that she wouldn't get cold. "Now it is your turn for a long nap."

Closing her eyes Zelda drifted off into a deep sleep, dreaming of better times. Of a time when her mother read her old stories of the old days when the calamity was first vanquished and the great deeds that were done. Zelda could vividly remember the stories but her mother's face had faded from memory, one of Zelda's many regrets. Slowly her mind drifted to times when Zelda and her father, King Rhoam, had a better relationship. Zelda dearly missed her father and mother, hoping she had made them proud. She then thought of the times she spent with her fallen friends. Of the times she laughed with Daruk, and walked the sands of the Gerudo desert with Urbosa. Recalling her conversation with Mipha she remembered how jealous she was of how close Mipha was with her father, King Dorephan, and her baby brother, Sidon. Her thoughts drifted off to the one who was holding her, Link. The memory of the time when her love of Link first took root. A time when she foolishly ran from Link straight into the blades of the Yiga. Despite her past cruel words and stubborn demeanor Link still came to her defense without a second thought of his own safety. This selfless act shattered her perception of Link and planted the first seeds of affection. It was her love for him that awakened her sacred powers just in time.

Drifting deeper Zelda found herself awake standing in a field. "You have done well my daughter. I'm so proud of you," Said a familiar voice. "Indeed, it would seem my little bird has at least spread her wings," said another. Turning around Zelda saw Rhoam, Urbosa, Daruk, Mipha, and Revali. Zelda's eyes teared up as she repeatedly apologized for failing them. Placing his hand on her shoulder King Rhoam comforted her. "No, it was I who failed you. I thought that pushing you hard would awaken what was locked away. It wasn't till it was too late that I realized how severely I was wrong, I was a fool. I was not a father to you like I ought to be, I'm sorry. I can only hope for your forgiveness." Through tears, Zelda forgave her father for his error saying she had never blamed him. "My, how you have blossomed my little bird even in adversity. Do not fret for us, we have passed beyond your concern," Urbosa said with a stern yet gentle smile. "Still if I had realized sooner-" "No," Mipha said cutting Zelda off "It wasn't your fault, for any of this. We all volunteered for this task, we knew what the stakes were. Do not blame yourself for what happened, non of us were prepared. Ducking her head Zelda thought about what was being said to her. Raising her head once again Zelda bore a smile and a sense of peace for herself. "That's the spirit, ah hahaha," Daruk laughed. "Yes yes, funny joke, still it is nice to finally be avenged," Revali said with a half sneer. Everyone looked back at him disapprovingly before returning their gaze to Zelda. "It is time for you to awaken my dear daughter. I have no right to ask any more of you, however though Hyrule has fallen our people endure, please look after them. Oh and about Link, you couldn't have made a better choice for someone to love." Hugging her father one last time Zelda reassured him she would continue to look after those who remained. Stepping back the five spirits began to fade from Zelda's dream but before they left Mipha made one last request. "When you next visit the domain please bring comfort to my father and brother." With a beaming smile, Zelda agreed and in a flash, they all vanished. Zelda began to sink through the ground before drifting away again in the currents of her subconscious.

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