Oh, what a perfect day

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Just a perfect day

You make me

You made me forget myself

I thought I was someone else

Someone good

"Why me?" Pete's hurrying after Vegas, who seems to be determined to escape his presence. Of course Vegas claims that there's an important meeting he's supposed to attend, but Pete knows better. He's running away, the bastard. "Seriously, why me?" he asks again, sounding slightly breathless, taking two steps at a time, following Vegas downstairs.

"If not you, who else?" Fiddling to adjust his tie while hurrying across the hall towards the door, his boyfriend pointedly avoids looking at Pete. Bloody coward. Vegas makes a grab for the slim leather briefcase his head bodyguard is patiently offering him. "Yes, yes...," he mutters under his breath, rolling his eyes at Jai's questioning look. "I am wearing the damn vest, just as I promised." Then he turns around and nearly collides with Pete, who is right behind him. "Sunshine... Stop arguing and just do it, okay? For me? Pretty please?"

The nerve! Pete huffs because he is so irritated, he wants to yell at Vegas, but with all the guards and staff around, he can't do that right now. It's just one more thing he isn't supposed to do-questioning Vegas' decisions in front of the staff-piling up on top of a mountain of other things he isn't do in this household. Pete doesn't do well with these kinds of rules, and his irritation definitely bleeds into his voice. "I'm not falling for that, Vegas. Find someone else to do it. Send Jai."

Their head bodyguard looks alarmed, and instantly shakes his head. "I have to decline, Khun Pete. This is an important meeting, I need to stay with Khun Vegas for safety reasons."

Fucking coward! If looks could kill, the bodyguard would be on the floor, withering in his death throes, from the glare Pete is giving him right now. Everyone's ganging up on Pete, and he hates it. A glance at his boyfriend, who looks mightily pleased with himself, and Pete's hands curl into fists.

Vegas grins cheekily at Pete and shrugs. "Seems you are on your own then, sunshine." He isn't stupid, he can sense Pete's imminent explosion and from the look of it, he decides that now would be an excellent time to escape Pete's wrath. "Love you...," he mumbles quickly and then makes a dash for the exit.

"Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakul!" Okay, so Pete is irked enough to shout anyway. "Get the hell back here, this discussion isn't over yet!"

"Lalala..." Like a little child, the big bad Mafia boss tosses the briefcase back towards his bodyguard and holds his hands over his ears, practically running through the door towards the waiting car. "Can't hear you, honey...! Have a lovely day!"

Pete is left with no words. What sort of infantile behaviour is this even? He blinks, and watches Vegas dive into the backseat of the vehicle, closely followed by Jai, and then they are driving off already. Seriously? Seriously?! Damn, he's getting a headache, and he's so angry he can feel himself trembling. Not only that, but he's becoming aware that all the guards in the entry hall stare at him, but when he meets their gaze they suddenly disperse like a flock of frightened birds. Guess they know him and his temper pretty well by now.

"I am going to wring his fucking neck..." Pete mutters under his breath as he whirls around and strides up the stairs towards their apartment. "I am going to kick his ass and make him feel really sorry for this..."

And just in case the staff still isn't aware of his mood, he slams the door to the apartment shut hard behind him, the sound echoing through the mansion. Well, now they definitely know. Fuck them and fuck Vegas. 'If not you, who else?'- what sort of argument is this even? Basically everyone else in this house could do this task! Why does it have to be him? It's so fucking unfair, and if Vegas thinks running away like this will save him from Pete's wrath, then he is dead wrong. Just wait until you come home again, Pete darkly thinks to himself as he enters the living room.

Oh, what a perfect day - Postcard #2Where stories live. Discover now