Peep into Author's head

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Hello to all, I simply felt inclined to share how this writeup came about, that too now.

I had never heard of the show, honestly but my instagram suddenly did some calculations, and with the new year kicking in, my feed found itself filled with two most impressive female characters of itv, I ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on.

One was so rooted to the ground and yet carried herself with grace and confidence. Her words the kind, that they actually made sense, and her concluding shayaris...ufff!!
The other was an absolute spitfire, and honestly the most 'jajbaati'. Also, handsdown one if the best dialogue deliverer, along with kantap expertise!

And then i decided to watch the show, and it did not disappoint. I dont think I've ever watched an itv show where women were actually working and achieving things. But here they were taking the center stage, and setting it on fire!

A women centric show, focussed on police at that, what concept! And the way they dealt with a myriad of cases, was stupendous. The entire cast of MPT stood out, and none of them ever felt like a filler. The humor, the drama, the emotions, everything was on point.

And the best part of the show was camaraderie. The way karishma cared for Haseena. The way Haseena always handled karishma and her disobedience. These two were such soulmate vibes, even without the reels

But yes, I did think that these two would complement each other, even in the role of life partners. And so, wattpad happened as I read some amazing stories, and finally after running and re-running a plot, finding its beginning in my head, I finally decided to write a story on the pair, as everyone lovingly calls KarEena.

Well, that will be all. Thank you, for your time, dear readers. All I will say is-


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