1 - Dick Grayson

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Childhood. It was the age of wisdom and the age of foolishness. We once had everything and now we have nothing. My glass seems broken at this point. I can't even keep a single person in prison, but when I was younger I could do anything. Absolutely anything. Now I can't do anything. I'm useless, I couldn't even prevent Hank's death. I shouldn't even lead the goddamn titans anymore.

I awoke with a heart-stopping start. Jumping, I sat up, my alarm blaring. Jesus. I thought, slamming my hand on my alarm next to my bed. Kory stirred next to me, her dark hair tickling my bare arm. When did she get here? I scowled, rubbing my eyes. I couldn't remember anything about last night, god knows why. Drugged? Poisoned? Maybe. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. My boxers were slung low on my hips, but I wasn't bothered about righting them. My hair was a mess and my eyes had dark circles. Kory started to properly wake up, and I didn't turn to look at her.

"What happened last night, Kory?" I asked, frowning. She looked up at me, knuckling her tired eyes.

"Sleeping?" She suggested, running her fingers through her hair. 

"Let me rephrase that, Kory. Why were you in my bed?" I still didn't turn to look at her, instead putting a t-shirt and jeans on.

"I... why not? It happens every night." She shrugged, sitting up fully.

"That'd be like me getting into Joker's bed and saying 'I just felt like it'." I scowl, running my hands across my face. "Look, never mind, just..."

"DICK!? RICHARD!? GRAYSON!?" I heard Conner screaming. What NOW!?

"What?" I get up and make my way over to the living room, gesturing for Kory to get out of my bed.

"You might wanna come here and check this out..." He murmured as I got closer. On the news was a stony-faced guy who's expression told me he saw his wife doing the dirty with his best mate.

"Convict Jinx escaped from jail last night for the second time. Police are urging anybody around Blüdhaven to come forward if they have any known whereabouts concerning Jinx. Now, theres an elderly man wreaking havoc in nearby hopping centres, running people over on his moped. Jill is there on the scene to give us more information on this bizarre incident. Over to you, Jill." 

I didn't want to believe what I was hearing. Again!? That stupid bitch better stay put next time she's put in, or she'll deal with a lot more than just jail. I thought, getting my outfit out.

"Alright, I'll go down to Blüdhaven. Although I really don't want to..." I mumbled, putting my Nightwing costume on. 

Conner then piped up, "Want me to come with?"

"No, Conner, I don't need you. It's just Jinx, nothing too bad."

"Mmmh... well, if you come back with two fingers missing, your cock chopped off and a broken nose, we'll see who has the last laugh."

"I didn't laugh at you, dumbass!" I said, feeling my temper flaring. No. Calm down. Don't get mad at Conner, he's a dick. No, your name is Dick. Richard. Dick Grayson. Calm down, count to ten. 

"Whatever, I'm going." I stated, doing mental arithmetic. 


An hour later, I was strolling Blüdhaven like I was the cat who got the cream. Damn I was proud of myself. I just had to keep my eyes open for the familiar flash of pink. Pink hair wasn't too hard to spot when everyone else had blonde or brown. Easy-peasy.

Hah, as if. 

Walking round the streets, I was getting so bored. There was nothing interesting anywhere, just tedious shops that looked identical to the last.

And then, I thought I had it. The flash of pink in the corner of my eye. Whipping round, I had my escrima sticks out and ready. But, naturally, no. Just a gym chick in bright pink tight lycra. FUCK'S SAKE! I was ready to give up at that point, and I decided to have a pint, going into a nearby pub. 

"What'dya want, mate?" Asked the bartender.

"Jack Daniels and coke, please." I said, putting ten dollars down. The man behind the counter took my money and then handed me my drink. Necking it, I drank it in less than five gulps. I then put the empty glass down and went back on my searches. Feeling slightly lighter from the Jack Daniels, I carried on walking and looking, keeping close to the wall incase of any alleyways Jinx could have gone down.

Suddenly, I tripped, walking into a solid object. 

"Ow!" It said. It speaks? Fuck, what was in that Jack Daniels? I scrambled to my feet, turning around to see a young kid, sitting on the floor, enclosed in a threadbare blanket.

"Sorry, kid," I said, and was about to get up when her dark eyes startled me. They were impossible to miss, and had the same daunting look in them that Conner had. Her equally dark hair hung matted over her shoulders, and if it wasn't for the fact it needed an insane brush and washing, it was like Conner's. Everything about this girl, right down to her accent, was the spit of Conner.

"Jesus..." I murmured, getting up. It was terrifying and insane at the same time. This girl - who was she? 

She watched me for a moment, before pulling the blanket tighter over her shoulders and looking back down.

"If you're not gonna spare any change," she said, turning her dark eyes back to focus on me again, "then get lost." She even had Conner's attitude, surprisingly. I shook my head and pulled out a few dollars, giving them to her.

"Here... Kid, what're you doing out here on the streets? Where are your parents?" I asked her slowly, trying to make sure my voice wasn't too loud, and trying not to draw too much attention. My focus on Jinx was gone - this was my new one. 

"What?" Her dark eyes were trained on me, flickering with nerves.

"Where are your parents? You're too young to be out here alone."

"I- I don't know?" She provided, looking down for a moment. I thought.

"What's your name?" I asked, opting for easier questions.

"Knox." I was slightly surprised by this one. I would have though she'd have a 'c' name, like Camilla or Carly.

"A-and what's your last name?" I prodded further, trying to figure this clone of Conner out.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2024 ⏰

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