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"The desert was hot. The desert was bright. The sand was scorching. The sand... felt good. The day I hatched, I was alone. There was nothing but a vast, endless desert. I broke out of my egg to feel the sensation of dry heat in the air and the sand between my claws. Having no guidance and nothing to do, I walked out of pure instinct. I walked for what seemed like miles, being a hatchling and all, until I reached the top of a tall dune where I saw a town. I collapsed from exhaustion. When I woke, I saw a full-grown dragon that looked only half like myself. "You are Zenyakaze, and you are a hybrid, half sandwing, half rainwing." Those are the first words I heard from her or anyone for that matter. She was a sandwing named Scorchia. She always described this white line pattern on my scales to be like vines all over my body. She also always said that they were the reason she took me in, she saw me as art. Scorchia never claimed to be my mother, in any sense of the word. She often beat me out of anger, but she gave me food and shelter, so, although I questioned it, I never tried to defend myself or snap back at her. Scorchia was beautiful and remarkably intelligent, she was one of the most well-known assassins in the town where we lived, The Scorpion Den."

Zenyakaze is a five-and-a-half-year-old dragonet (16 and a half in human years, D(3)=H is the scale I'm using) he has the physical structure of a sandwing, having a tail barb and all, but his scales are as colorful as any rainwing. He has a violet body that fades into black down his tail as if to shrowd his barb in shadow, while his wings are bright turquoise, and to top it all off he has a white line pattern all over his body.

"When I was about a year old I did something I had never done before, I made a request of Scorchia." said Zenyakaze "I asked her if I could leave the sandstone house we lived in, just for a few hours, to explore. She never let me out of her sight, she didn't want her precious jewel to get scratched, so I never left unless it was in this box she carried me in. At first, she declined but after bribing her with pineapple, she reluctantly agreed. So I went and I saw every inch of the town, although Scorchia was shadowing the whole time, as I found out after I got in a fight with some older dragonets, and won. It was also the day I discovered my rainwing abilities, the venom and camouflage were very useful. She brought me home and scolded me up and down about ruining my scales and getting scars, even though she had given some to me herself. However, a few months later, her mentality about me changed. I don't know how or why but she started teaching me her trade rather than keeping me like treasure. By the time I was two years old she had taught me every possible way to kill a dragon and also most of the tools an assassin uses, i even helped her on a few jobs. When I was three I was an independent contractor, when I was once unable to leave the house, I was now traveling all of Pyrrhia hunting down my targets. Business was great during the war of the sandwing queens, in case you were wondering. It went on like that until I got my last job as an assassin. As it turns out, a lot of dragons wanted Scorchia dead and I was unlucky enough to get assigned to her. I didn't hesitate, it's not like we were family, but I never took another target after that. I don't know why, I just wasn't motivated for it anymore. So I moved on to be a mercenary, I was about four and a half then, and I did that until the war ended and now I'm over five years old and I'm one of the deadliest dragons on the continent. So, Queen Thorn, are you satisfied? Are you going to take off these chains so I can go about my business?" Zenyakaze was chained to the wall, Queen Thorn had been questioning him about his infamous life in the Scorpion Den. "You can unchain the dragonet now," she said to a pair of sandwing outclaws as she stared at Zenyakaze with sympathetic eyes. "It seems to me that you don't even realize how wrong your life has been, Zenyakaze." Queen Thorn said to him. Zenyakaze looked blankly at her but really, he was confused by her statement "What are you talking about? I'm a hardworking dragonet who, up until recently, was making a more than decent living." Zenyakaze is blunt and unafraid of people in authority, he doesn't bow to any of the queens. When Thorn heard his statement she realized mere words weren't going to show him that his actions were wrong nor that his terrible childhood was affecting him. "Alright then, Zenyakaze, here's the deal. You are going to stop your mercenary work right here and now. I'm sending you to Jade Mountain Acadamy, where you will interact with other dragonets, learn how different you are, not kill anyone, and hopefully be rehabilitated." Zenyakaze stared at her with his stoic, blank face which could be easily mistaken for an angry scowl. "I think you're missing the part where I don't consider you my queen. I will NOT bow to anyone, let alone take orders." Thorn nearly laughed at him "Your only alternative is staying here with me where I will spend every day showing you how messed up you are by force." She stared at him with a smirk. Zenyakaze surveyed the room filled with outclaws ready to die for their leader. He gave an irritated sigh "Guess I'm going to this mountain school"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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