Deal 1

443 38 11

The boardroom was filled with tension as Neil, a wealthy and formidable businessman, sat across from Ashish Meheta, who was grappling with the shadows of financial losses.

Neil (smirking) - so Mr meheta , you're standing at the edge of a precipice. I'm offering you a lifeline, but it comes at a cost.

Ashish (defiant): I won't let you take over my company. I built it from scratch.

Neil (leaning in): Your sentimental attachments won't save you, Mr meheta. Your company is drowning, and I hold the lifeline.

Ashish is thinking what he should do - he just can't think about anything else...

Neil - dont you worry Mr meheta, I will give all your stakes but I need coemthing I won't give you like this.

Ashish - what you want hn what you want...

Neil - I want your daughter looking at avni's picture...
Ashish gets furious and stands - how dare you Mr...

Neil - dont shout.. You have your son think about it, think abiut Think about it with a cool mind. OK then I have other works..
Neil goes.

Neela comes there.
Neela sit near ashish keeping her hand in ashish.
Ashish with tear hugs Neela and cries...
Ashish - how can i deal my daughter.... She is my heart. And for business I have to make a deal her with an other person.
Neela - please don't do like this..
Ahsihs - I don't know Neela.
Neela - take some time and think about it..

Avni who hear everything comes there
Avni - what are you all mad or what hnn you will make a dela because of your business.
Ashish - I don't want to make it. But...
Neela - have you lost your mind ahsihs.
Avni - yes papa have you lost your mind..

Ashish goes and hold Avni - you know what, i ahve started this business the time you were not Bron this business was a child to me. Because of this business you all are enjoying. Now for this you just can't sacrifice it.

Avni (shouting) - noo way how cna I just marry to someone whom I don't know even.. How papa how papa.

Ahsihs - I don't know you have to do it... And goes and stand near its table.

Avni - ma you say na, how will i just...

Neela and Avni is fighting and at that time ashish had a an heart attack.

Ashish keeping his hand on his heart.. - aghh shhh.
Avni - papa papa,
Neela - Ashish ahsihs.

Staffs comes and call the ambulance and take ashish to the hospital.

After 5 hrs they all were able to meet ashish.

Avni Neela sitting near ashish. Ashish slowly opens his eyes.. Caresses avni's cheeks.

Avni - papa.. I can't see you like this...

Ashish by touching both of his hand, - please save us beta.. Please you are our last hope..

Neela - noo please ashish

Avni - okie then I will... Marry that neil...

After 1 week
Neil's and Avni had a register marriage and with a contact marriage.

Neil come with Avni to their bungalow where neil is living alone.

Neil - so wifey this is our house you loved it...
Avni look at him and turns her face.

Neil drags her - ooohhh my wifey. And picks her up and takes her inside the house..
Avni - neil leave meeeee... And hitting neil...
And make her sit on sofa..
Neil - now be a good girl and listen whatever I say.
Neil - everyone listen...
Neil call all the staff in the house..
Neil - from today onwards she is my wife and whatever she wish to have give it to her and I hope so everyone understand this...
Maids - okie sir...
Neil - okie then I'm leaving for work take care of my wifey...
Neil bent down and give a kiss on her forehead and Avni push him back..
Neil - bad manner wifey....
Neil goes..
Maid - hello madam... You are very lucky to have a husband like Mr neil... He is a very good guy..
Avni - ooo please I'm not at all lucky and please don't call be as his wife.. This marriage is of contractual marriage.... I'm not his wife at all...
Maid - okie okie mam, don't get angry I will show your room come up mam..
Avni goes up to her room and it is well decorated..
Avni - what are all these remove these all.
She goes and start throwing everything... I don't need this throw the flowers away...
Maid - okie okie mam don't you worry will clean it up..
After cleaning the room Avni goes and sit inside her room
Neil comes
Neil to maid. - did Avni eat food..
Maid - no sir.. She didn't eat the food..
Neil - okie give the plate to me.
Me enter the room and Avni is sitting on the bed using her phone..
Neil come with the plate..
Neil - eat it..
Avni - noooo I won't..
Neil kepp the plate side.
Neil - eat it my love orelse you will sleep with empty stomach..
Avni (getting angry) - hey you... Listen this is juts the contractual marriage and you don't have any right for behaving as a husband with me its just for the world not here.
Neil - hey listen, you haven't read the contract I guess drags her to him... It has written clearly in it that after the marriage what i will say you have to do exactly in that way... You have to follow everything.... Orelse
Avni - orelse what what..
Neil - you remeber your family right... They will pay for this...
Avni look at Neil with stunned eyes and dint say.
Neil - soo what are you going to do... I think you under the assignment now be a good girl and do whatever I say.. Eat the food orelse I will make you eat the food... It will be very romantic for you.
Avni after that eat the food..
Neil goes to his room.
Neela calls Avni.
And Avni drench in tears.
Neela is also crying..
Avni - maa... Maaa.... Why I'm here this is because of dad I'm here....
Neela - did he do anything with you..
Avni - no maa.. But I hate him.... Because of business dad deal his daughter. I'm never goign to forgive him...
Neela - don't you worry , I m there for you.
Avni - what about aman is he coming.
Neela - we didn't say anything what is going on in our life orelse he will be burst in anger and will do anything it's better not to say him anything.
Avni - hmm..
Soemone sound comes from downstairs.
Avni - I will talk to you later..
Voice - neil Neill... Where are you...
Neil comes downstairs..
Neil - ooo Bebe...
Bebe - without telling me you got married and where is your wife...
Neil - wait wait I'm calling..
Neil goes upstairs in avni's room..
Avni - now what new drama.
Neil - shhh.... Listen Bebe is downstairs act like a newly wed wife and show there we got married cause we love each other.
Avni - noooo wayyy I'm jot going to do it..
Neil - yes you are going to do it.. And yiu ahve to follow my orders. As per the contract now be a good wife and follow... And hn don't tell her about the contract and all..
Avni nods - okie let's go..
Avni and neil goes downstairs
Neil - Bebe this is my wife Avni..
Avni touches Bebe's feet..
Bebe - she is very beautiful... From where did you find her out.. Doesn't she looks like niddhi..
Neil - hn a bit..
Bebe - you married her and didn't say anything. You didn't let family doesn't knew about this at all... I'm very happy to see neil you are happy with her..
Neil dragging her from. One side and she is squeezing Neil's hand at the back..
Neil - yes we are very happy yes na wifey... Looking at Avni..
Avni nods..
Bebe - okie then... Lets go to sleep...
Avni goes to her room and neil followed her.. And neil enters and close the door.
Avni (shouting) - what are you doing
Neil close her mouth. - shhh... I will be with you till the time Bebe is here..
Avni - no way...
Neil - yes way... Neil and Avni goes on the bed.
Avni keeps the pillow between them as the boundary line..
Avni - don't cross it..
Neil - okie...
Neil in his mind (i know im disturbing you alot but you will know later why did I do this with you).

Will be continue...

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