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Even though there now exists 100% effective female birth-control methods, men know that many women these days won't use any birth-control when having casual sex with "the right guy", as a one night stand might be their only opportunity at getting themselves impregnated by an "acceptable" man they meet or know.

So, this is why more and more women are engaging in these deceptive "one night stands" with men, whom they will likely never see again. Either without mentioning the fact that they aren't using birth-control, or lying when questioned about whether they are using a birth-control method.

And if she "can't get the seed" during that one night stand, many (doggedly determined to get pregnant the natural way) women, will keep the relationship going until he "gives up the goods" and then dump his ass after she's gotten what she wanted from him, just as many men have been doing for much of the last 100 years.

And this "Please get me Knocked Up" deception technique is quite commonly used these days, due to the fact that women can no longer find "willing" and "acceptable" men to father their children.

But due to the "education of men", these condom-less "one-night or multi-night stands" are now very hard to come by for those women who are desperate to have children the "natural" way, coupled with the issue that luck must be on her side when she is fortunate enough to persuade "the right man", or at least an "Acceptable Pro-Creation Candidate" to have condom-less casual sex with her, as she must of course be in her fertile period during this rare unprotected sexual-encounter event.

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