A science lab and ... an interesting lack of memories

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Mature?: yes
Script type: direct, fantasy, amnesia,
Description?:  A science lab and a scientist that ... has plans
Warning?: bondage, all 4 limbs without neck. Reader discretion advised. Pet names , praise


You're still not quite sure how you ended up in the lab. Maybe wandered into the wrong place? Maybe you work here but you don't... quite... remember. No. Working here would be silly. You don't recognise these corridors, long rows with cells and experimentation rooms dotting left and right. The cool metal doors protecting what's outside ... from the inside

And right now you're on the outside.

You're not quite sure how aware you are as you continue walking forward. It never considered to you this could be a trap? One door to the left, another to the right. Going and going. Dropping. Because that's all you can do when you're stuck in a loop, isn't that right?

Just drop

You're not sure how long you've been walking now when firm hands grab your shoulders. Soft, but firm "we're here~" she whispers in almost a sing-song voice. Her hands soft on your shoulder but still strong enough to turn you to the left. To the door

And you're on the inside

"Drop for me" she says again, pulling you in. You never quite catch her features. But you see brown hair as you fall in. She guides you to a sort of bed. Moving your limbs this way and that until you find one arm being strapped in with something

A belt? Maybe? No. She has corridors and corridors of cells it has to be more professional.

You're not sure. But you're not sure or anything right now are you ~? That's okay you can just let that mind go

I don't need to keep up describing when you're this deep in trance. Hm? You've been doing so well for me , my dear.

Just drop way way down for me. Sinking as you forget. Because amnesia can be such a Pleasant experience can't it? Everything becoming new to you

And you feel as I strap your other arm in. Losing a few more memories. Just knowing you're stuck with me right now.

And one leg as you drop so so much more for me

And the other. Just blank. Just stuck. Empty.

Oh you're doing so well.

Oh you're doing so so well

And you can stay like this, in my lab, for as long as you'd like. But you know the moment you wake you'll completely forget everything about it , but maybe before you do , you have an urge to vote or comment

Since you do know it helps me so so much~

But you're not forced to

For now you can just drop  , sink and forget

And you can wake in your own time

Enjoy ~

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