i shut my eyes but my world's still burning

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The days went by and Vita and me spent them doing lots of research on witchcraft. On one hand, because we needed to find out what the exact curse is in order to break it and on the other hand because i have found out i was a witch myself.

But our research was only partially successful. I was successful to truly see how i am a witch and i could practise my first, easy spells.

For example I learned to turn hot drinks into potions. For that i have to whisper my wishes into the cup and stir it exactly 3 times. The potion is then going to work on the person that is drinking it.

With the help of this, i could help people recover quicker from small diseases like colds or i could make sad people a bit happier. I could not perform miracles, but what i could do, i was satisfied with. I had no idea witches really could perform miracles tho i would get the proof of that sooner than i thought and if at that time anyone told me that i myself  would perform a miracle some day, i would’ve admitted that person straight into the next psych ward.

I also found out that my knowledge about herbs, is just a part of being a witch!

And i discovered that i seem to be able to predict things in dreams but i seem to mostly predict desaster.

But there is one positive thing that i predicted, which was the reunion of FVK but if the reunion goes well is written in the stars because out of all concert venues, the band had to choose this cursed place!

But where we didn’t get a single step forward was about Elisabeth and her curse! Still the only thing we found out is that the curse was not directed at Will but at the William from 1900 and that Will was the key to find out the rest. Our guess was that William was meant to die on that stage but he never returned and then as Will had Williams hairstyle the curse thought he was William and it applied on him in Williams place.

And one more thing we were sure about is that even after the target died, the curse is not over cause ever since that fateful day every gig went wrong.

And speaking of gigs going wrong, i remembered that today As it is would play the KOKO and what Vita and me had planned for our holiday. 2 gigs. One farewell and one reunion in this cursed venue within 4 days. Oh how we had no idea that our trip would be extended and what we would discover in england.

But back to the current day, i was worried about Patty like i worried about everyone playing there.

I wished that the KOKO would close down until the problem with the curse has been solved but there was no way we could do that! We couldn’t just tell the owner of the KOKO „Hey! In 1900 a witch put a curse on your venue! Don’t let anyone play it until we broke the curse“ that thought still sounded crazy to us but still we took the investigation and curse breaking on ourselves.

With every new detail i ask myself in what kind of fantasy novel i landed. Just a few months ago everything was ok. I had an ordinary life with some ups and downs but now my favorite singer got killed by some ancient curse an evil witch created because some guy rejected her and now i am supposed to be a witch myself. If only i knew that i would still be at the beginning of those strange discoveries and the strangest ones are yet to come!

The only thing i knew is that Vita and me have to hurry up to avoid more damage and especially to make sure there won’t be any more deaths in that place.

A few days earlier, on september 7th, Ian released a single and announced he would release a solo album on October 15th.

Only then it began to sink in that Creeper was over. Is this the way they would move on? Ian focusing on his solo music? Hannah starting a solo project soon? And the others joining new bands?

This evening i fell asleep quite early. I didn’t expect discovering the witch in me and learning my first spells to be this exhausting but they were.

Suddenly the ringtone of my phone tore me out of my sleep. Without checking who was calling i answered the phone with a sleepy „hello?“

Whoever calling better has a good excuse else i would use them to practise some curses on.

Vita disturbed those thoughts with a good excuse to wake me up, the reason being related to our goal of saving the world from that curse so no need for curses.

„Oh my god, have you heard about what happened to Patty from As it is!?“

My sleepy mind needed a moment to fully understand it all but then i yelled into the phone.

„As it is was supposed to play the KOKO! What happened to him!? Is he ok?!,“

Vita replied

„I hope he will be ok! Apperantly  some food they ate before going on stage have suddenly got bad and Patty got food poisoning from it! He puked straight into the faces of some fans that were front row and had to stop the gig because of how unwell he felt!“

„Eww! Poor people and poor Patty“

Was all i brought out.

This just got even stranger than i thought! What in gods name changed the food!?

Vita continued with the next clue to all this chaos.

„Again it happened straight after he dedicated a song to Will. He dedicated No way out to Will and right as he wanted to start the next song he got ill.“

Now i was wide awake and i got one more snippet to this curse. I told Vita.

„The gigs going wrong have to be connected to the dedications. Maybe people who dare to honor Will get punished for doing so“

After the call ended i laid awake overthinking the newest discovery. What kind of curse did Elisabeth create that even people who honor Will get to feel her curse?

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