kiss your lips as it ends

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Monday, September 13th 2021

Eventually i fell asleep again, with Elisabeth still on my mind…

I was laying in bed zapping through the TV as i saw a familar face, tho a lot older by now.

Elisabeth as a lonely old lady who had noone but a bunch of cats.
Surrounded by her cats she is reading the newspaper. Now the article is shown. It says that the former Camden Theatre that is now abandonened for a few years and not in a very good condition is now set to be demolished.

Elisabeths face darkens and she says to one of her cats, the one that is black as a night without stars, a perfect  description of life without Will.

„Oh Shadow my dear! Noone gets to demolish this building! I will make sure about it! Everyone who tries to harms the building shall be followed by misfortune and the building shall be indistructable! Not even fire shall be able to harm it! I get what i want no matter the cost!“

Then she seemed to be casting spells.

I awoke sweating! Oh god damnit. What is this going to mean!? Did Elisabeth really put more than one curse on the KOKO!?

She really tried to make sure her curse works out. But like everything else even the strongest curse has it’s weakness! I swore to myself that i would find this weakness! Wills death shall not be in vain! Even if this is the last thing i will do!

A quick look on my watch told me it is 3:33am! Witches hour! I decided to talk to Vita in the morning so i rolled on my side and eventually drifted off, straight into another dream.

I found myself on a huge boat, according to the 4 chimneys, i recognized it to be the Titanic. I knew that i was dreaming, meaning this is a lucid dream. A calendar i have seen, said it is April 15th 1912, the day of the sinking. A look at the see showed me there are lots of icebergs nearby.

I noticed someone, looking like Will. Damn! That must be William!

Next to William, there is a lady, around his age. She is quite a bit smaller than him, but still quite tall for a woman in that time, but even William who has Wills height, is quite tall for the time he lived in. The lady had browm hair that she has in a ponytail and it seems like her eyes are also brown, but darker than her hair and she’s smiling a lot.

From what i’ve seen the lady must be Williams wife.

„Rebecca darling, i think you had a wonderful idea! I love this little holiday on the Titanic so much!“

He said to her, his voice sounding like Wills.

So Rebecca is the name of the lady he rejected Elisabeth for and from what i see she seems to be a great person.

Rebecca smiled at her husband

„You’re welcome! You worked so much the past few weeks so i thought you need a few days to be yourself and as i read about this boat i thought it was perfect for us“

William said:

„You were right! I’m really enjoying this trip but without you i would be way to scared to go on the Titanic on it’s first ride!“

William and Rebecca share a kiss and said i love you to each other as suddenly everyone started yelling.

„The ship is sinking“

The collision with the iceberg has just happened and people tried put everyone in the lifeboats but there was a huge problem. There were way too less boats for all those people.

I got put into a boat with William and Rebecca and many others and again there was yelling.

„There is one person too much on this boat! One needs to leave or we all sink because there is to much weight on this boat!“

Without a second thought William gave Rebecca a quick kiss and jumped straight into the ice cold water of the sea and sank as if he was a stone.

Rebecca yelled full of panic „He can’t swim“ but the boat swims away as if nothing happened. The others have calmed down with one person less on the boat. As time passed by and the boat swam further away her screams were replaced by the silent, heart wrenching cries of a widow that just lost her beloved husband.

I shot awake! Fuck! What was this dream!? Did William actually die as the Titanic sank? Was Rebecca really his wifes name!?

It was morning by now. Vita and me had a day off today so i decided to call her and meet up for some research about those dreams!

„Hey Vita! Can i come over? I had a dream about Elisabeth and a dream about William!“

Vita replied:

„Of course! I’ll get the laptop!“

I quickly got into some clothes, grabbed the callous heart Jacket and left the house.

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