Prince of Miroh

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Seungmin awoke with a start, sitting up in his bed with his hands to his throat. He was covered in sweat from the all too familiar nightmare and was shaking head to toe...but he was alive.

Sighing, the prince got up and went to his bedroom windows, opening the wooden shutters to let in a cool breeze. He pulled at the double doors out to his balcony, feeling the wind push back his short black hair as he walked to lean on the stone railing.

The prince was average height with squared features and dark, puppy eyes. He was thin but fit, lean muscles covering his body. Through the eyes of others, he was gorgeous; but to himself, he wasn't much to look at. But that was okay, he didn't feel the need to view himself as handsome.

It was still very much night, the moon illuminating the tops of the homes down the hill in town. The castle was on a tall, steep slope, which was wonderful for defense but horrific for anyone having to walk up it.

Luckily for him, Seungmin never had to trek it. He had horses and carriages for that.

His room was at one of the highest points of the castle, a tall tower towards the back of the structure. It technically wasn't a bedroom but a storage loft; but Seungmin wanted the solitude and the views, so he had it refurbished to be a proper living quarters. It had a balcony as well as a ladder leading up to the top of the tower, views in all directions. He was able to see all of the castle and the town in one direction, and the grasslands and forest in the other.

He also chose this location for his room because it was a pain in the ass to get to, having to walk up a seemingly never-ending spiral staircase. Because of this, he had a pully system with a crate installed to receive linens, meals, and the like from the maids.

His father and mother hadn't been too pleased with his decision to sleep so far away from the main portion of the castle where the royals were expected to be. However, Seungmin was terribly stubborn and could talk his way out of things. He knew what he wanted out of life, and it wasn't this.

Being a prince was never going to work out for him, never mind being a king. And that's exactly where his life was headed.

The sun was beginning to rise, so Seungmin stripped off his night clothes and put on a set of fresh, casual streetwear -- brown pants rolled up past his ankles and a loose-fitting white v-neck top with long sleeves that he rolled up to just below his elbows. He didn't like having parts of himself too restricted.

Walking down the spiral staircase, Seungmin absentmindedly ran his fingers across the stone, thinking to himself. His hands were calloused from training -- much to his family's horror -- so it didn't hurt.

All Seungmin wanted was to join their army. He'd had enough of this life, so for the past few years he'd been practicing everything from bows, swords, throwing knives, as well as how to fashion weapons from anything on hand. He read strategy books and tales of soldiers past. He worked on strength and endurance as well as flexibility.

It was going to continue to be a challenge to convince his father to let him join. Seungmin thought for sure his father would see it as an act that would reflect well on the Kingdom; a first-born prince fighting along his men and women is a noble deed. But his father refused. Since Seungmin was his only son, he didn't want to risk his life. And since the death of the prince's sister, the king was even more paranoid.

Unfortunately for Seungmin, all he wanted to do was risk his life. It would be lying to say he didn't have a bit of a death wish. He had everything anyone would ever want; but he wasn't happy. In fact, he was miserable. He couldn't figure out why, but he was tired of searching. He would join his troops and live as long as he could on the battlefield. And if that's where it ended for him, all the better.

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