Chapter 2

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As the next hour ticked by the house filled up rather quickly. People started showing up in what seemed like swarms, and none of them I recognized. It was fairly easy if figure out that all of these people were from the college Haylee and Anna go to. I had made my way to the far corner of our large living room, leaning against the wall as I watched to make sure people behave themselves. Well, mostly I was watching Anna to make sure no drunk college idiots were pushing their luck. I had noticed her look in my direction a couple of times though quickly averted my eyes so she wouldn't catch me staring...again.

Letting out a slow breath I leaned my head back against the wall, smiling lightly as I watched her happily drink and dance with her friends. " are borderline pathetic at this point. Stop holding up the wall and just go dance with her." I heard Vic say and glanced over to watch him lean against the wall next to me. "Naw dude. She's having fun with her friends." I sighed out, also full well knowing that if I did dance with her then my sister would get suspicious. "Yeah...she may be having fun with her friends...but I'm pretty sure she would have more fun with you." Scott said from the other side of me, making me look at him with a mildly annoyed expression. "Don't you have some medical text book to read?" I questioned before shifting my gaze back towards Anna.

Furrowing my brows I scanned the crowd where Anna had just been seconds earlier, a sort of panic washing over me when I couldn't spot her. Stepping away from the wall I narrowed my eyes and carefully scanned the crowd, my heart rate picking up when I couldn't find her. Just as I was about to rush to the kitchen to look for her I felt a hand on my shoulder, a touch that I recognized easily. Quickly turning my head I locked eyes with Anna, her light yet amused smirk making my heart flutter. "Are you going to be antisocial all night or are you going to come dance with me?" She questioned as she slowly slid her hand from my shoulder to my chest. Raising a brow down at her I tilted my head, quickly glancing at her hand before bringing my gaze back up to meet hers.

"Is that a good idea?" I questioned just loud enough for her to hear as I glanced over at my sister. "Oh she doesn't care. Trust me." She said in a sweet tone, her beautiful eyes boring deep into mine. This woman could break me in seconds, and something told me that she was more than aware. Letting out a deep breath I glanced at my sister once more, seeing that she was dancing with their friends still. Feeling her hand grip the front of my shirt I looked down, seeing the fabric in her fist and felt incredibly turned on by it.

Swallowing hard I stuffed my hands in my pockets as she started pulling me along towards the middle of the room. As we moved I couldn't help but let my eyes wander down her body, loving the way her hips swayed as she walked and I could almost swear she was doing it on purpose. Looking around as we came to a stop I let out another slow breath, my nerves starting to build up as the heavy bass radiated in my body. Looking down at Anna with an awkward smile, chuckling lightly as she moved closer to me. "Relax, Alec. It's just a dance." She said softly into my ear, though her hot breath on my neck was making my body go crazy. "Yeah...relax." I chuckled out, trying to not show how much simply being this close to her was affecting me.

Feeling her body starting to move against mine to the beat of the music I had to clench my jaw, loving the way she felt against me maybe a little to much. Slowly moving my hands to her hips I locked my gaze onto hers, moving my hips in time with hers like we had danced together a hundred times before. I couldn't help but think back to that first time we danced, her fingers running through the back of my hair and the way her hand felt in mine. Everything about her in that moment was everything I felt I had been missing in my life up until that point. Now, dancing with her again, it was as if that magnetic pull amplified ten fold. I didn't want to be away from her, and honestly I wasn't entirely sure how to handle the intense attraction I was feeling towards her.

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