Prologue: Awakening of Power and the Daily Routine.

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(AN: Info for the story to recognise when certain things are happeningI also use Japanese terminology with some items or terms within this story due to the faction I am aligning Issei with. Thanks, and enjoy the story! Yari is Japanese for Straight-Headed Spear. 

[Ddraig talking]

[[Ddraig talking to Issei telepathically]]

{Albion talking}

{{Albion Talking to Vali telepathically}}

-Technique being used-

"normal talking"

"(thinking to self)"


"Angry with draconic or Wolf Yokai growl to the tone."

 <Talking through phone or communication circle> 

+Text Communication, text messaging or via messaging app+ 


15 years before our story begins:

Location: darkened streets of Kyoto. 

As the scene opens on the dimly lit streets of Kyoto, we can hear the laboured breathing of two individuals running for their lives. One was an Adult woman with flowing, curled purple hair tied into a ponytail, wearing the garb of a miko priestess holding the hand of a small boy with electric blue Scruffy hair and two small canine ears poking out the top of his head. As they both ran from behind, beating wings could be heard. The woman, while running, looked down towards the boy and spoke in a panicked tone, "Keep running honey, we are almost to your father and Lady Yaska!" her laboured breathing could be heard in between each word as she tried to conserve her energy. The boy looked up, obviously frightened, replying, "Kaa-san, why are these bad people chasing us?" As he finished asking the question, a spear made of light flew over his head, lighting up the area around him and his mother; from this, you could see his small tail, which was the same colour as his hair and ears, alongside the dark blue haori and hakama with a black undershirt covering his chest. His mother wore an Elegant yukata with white, black, red and purple colours and flower patterns adorning it. The bottom of her clothes was stained with grime from having tripped earlier in their attempt to flee from their aggressors, which is why they were gaining ground. As the spear hit the ground before them, it exploded in a flash of light, blinding both the woman and her son and causing them to stop. The pair's eyes go white from the impact of the light spear. The woman managed to recover quickly due to blocking her eyes with her arm, but the young boy was temporarily blinded. All he could see was white; his eyes hurt so much that he closed them tight.

The sound of wings beating stopped and was replaced with maniacal laughter; as the boy's mother turned her head, she saw a group of six, a mix of three Devils and three Fallen angels. This caused her eyes to widen as the devils began to charge attacks, and the fallen summoned more light spears. As they prepared their attacks, they all smirked and moved their attention to the boy, causing his mother's stomach to sink, and unimaginable fear swelled within her. She gave a silent prayer in her mind to the gods. "(I beg of you, Rajin, the god of thunder, allow my husband to reach us in time and save our son)" From where the rogues are standing, the area lights up alongside the streetlamps along the curb, and they all rear their arms back, to launch their respective attacks. Instinctually, the mother of the young boy steps in front of him, her back to the villains, guarding her child against harm; when all the attacks hit, she screams out in agony, causing the boy to open his eyes wide. When he did, tears started to flow from his eyes. His mother had three light spears piercing her body, two through her upper body and one through the gut; blood was pouring out of each wound and her mouth; the attacks launched by the devils had slammed into her back, causing her yukata to be burned off exposing the bare muscle from her entire body from the back, bleeding and blackened from the hellfire. As she gasped in pain, kneeling to the crying boy, she struggled to lift her arms to place her hands around his cheeks.

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