Part 2

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Alastor awoke with a gasp, shooting upright. He began breathing hard as he remembered where he was. What time was it? How long had he been laying here?

Oh no. Sunlight was coming in through the windows and a beam of it was shining right across Angel's face, and the other woke up too, blinking tiredly up at Alastor. His fluffy hair sprawled messily against the pillow and he seemed confused.

"Al?" he asked, raising a fist to rub sleep out of his eyes. "The fuck... are we in bed?" He pushed himself up, looking Alastor over and scowling. "Last thing I remember was coming in from the bar. How drunk was I last night? Did I finally seduce you just to forget the whole damn thing?"

Alastor made sure he was smiling, not wanting to appear weak, and said, "You didn't seduce me. You returned to the hotel drunk, we talked for a while, and I escorted you to your room. You asked me to cuddle. And well, you caught me in a good mood, so I decided to stay."

"Really?" Angel perked. "You cuddled with me last night? Aw, you really do have a soft spot!"

"Don't read too far into it."

Angel reached up and draped his top arms around Alastor's neck, pulling him over closer and smiling at him. "Oh I'm gonna read into it. I know how much you don't like being touched, Al. So why'd you stay to snuggle, huh?" His lower hands casually went to Alastor's waist. He twitched at first as he set them down, but when the other didn't react to it, he relaxed.

Alastor swallowed when he felt the pressure on his waist but he didn't address it, continuing to smile, wanting to appear confident and at ease with the situation. He refused to let anyone see him as vulnerable or nervous. "It doesn't mean anything," he insisted. "I couldn't have just left you to pass out in the lobby, Charlie would have given me an earful! And once I got you back here, you asked, and I figured it would get you to sleep quickly so I could go back to my room. I just, well. I happened to fall asleep too. That's all it was."

"Mm, yeah, some of it's starting to come back to me. We had a good chat, didn't we? I was a little too pushy though, I think. Sorry."

"Don't be. It was good to talk about it."

"It was cool learning that stuff about you. We're so different. As much as I would like to have you, I respect your asexuality. But if you are ever curious enough to give it a whirl, I'd gladly offer myself as your cock sleeve."

There was the crass, promiscuous spider Alastor had grown to know, detesting and appreciating him in equal measure. He quickly leaned back from him. "Ugh, well you're clearly back to your regular self."

"Yep! Sober again baby, at least for now!" Angel's arms fell from Alastor's neck so he could lean back, but the others stayed where they were, hands clutching his waist. "If that language bothers you, just say so, I'll stop!"

"I doubt that."

"Seriously, I flirt with everyone I like, but since you're not interested, I can try to cut it out."

"You would hardly be you if you didn't flirt with me."

"I can always flirt in my head. I may be a slut but I'm not trashy, I get that no means no."

"Yes. I know you would never actually harm me. Not that you could. But I know you wouldn't try."

"See? I'm trying to redeem myself here, so I'm gonna respect your boundaries! Want me to stop hitting on you? I totally will."

"I'd appreciate it," Alastor replied.

"Done. I'll just think about what could have been." Angel looked him over and sighed wistfully. "I bet you would have been so fun... oh well. Guess I should get up and get ready for the day, huh?"

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