Part 3

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"Okay, hold still for me, Al~" Angel hummed. He sank down over Alastor's lap and pressed a kiss to the side of his cock. Alastor swallowed, staring at him before tilting his head back and looking at the ceiling, trying to get his breathing under control. The air felt stuffy and far hotter than usual. Then he felt the velvety glide of Angel's tongue up his skin and moaned, lifting his hips into the sensation. "That's it, just relax... let me do all the work," Angel murmured.

Alastor's fingers dug into the covers when Angel licked again, going toward his base and nuzzling into his pubic hair. Alastor felt the other's silky soft palm slide into his pants, cupping his balls as Angel kissed his way back to the tip. Goodness, he certainly wasn't shy, was he?

A few passes with his lips and tongue, then Angel was sliding his mouth over Alastor's head and giving a short suck that made him buck.

"A-ah, ff... Angel," Alastor quickly caught himself, still not wanting to swear even now. "Angel, goodness, you move fast..."

"I just wanna show you what you've been missing, that's all. Easy now, don't move too much, you don't want me to bite you. Or do ya?" Angel flashed a sharp grin at him and Alastor inhaled quickly.

"No thank you," he replied.

"Haha, didn't think so. Now let me get you off." Angel went back down on him and Alastor tossed his head back again, covering his mouth as he tried to hold in the next moan he wanted to make. He's never felt anything like this but it was shockingly pleasant, the warmth of Angel's mouth as he surrounded him was downright heavenly. How bizarre, for him to be thinking of anything in this wretched place as heavenly, but he didn't know how else to describe it. Pleasure was spreading through him, his skin felt all tingly, it was just good.

A particularly hard suck had Alastor's hands jolting to Angel's head. Angel seemed to hesitate for a moment and Alastor stroked through his soft hair, figuring he was just catching his breath. Then Angel kept going, taking Alastor deeper and giving his balls a light squeeze. Alastor stopped trying to hold in his moans. His mouth drifted open as he let himself vocalize softly, pleased gasps and cries escaping him.

He sank his fingers further into Angel's fur-like hair, petting him, praising him whenever he did something that felt particularly good. It only seemed to get better as Angel explored him, learning what he liked most and relentlessly going after sensitive spots. The pleasure in his body built to a peak and Alastor rested a leg around Angel, voice growing more staticky as he felt himself linger on the edge of orgasm.

"A-Angel, keep going, I'm almost there, oh... you're absolutely marvelous," Alastor groaned, rocking his hips to Angel's rhythm. Angel made a rough noise and then deep-throated him, taking him to the root with a lustful moan.

Alastor arched as he finished, the sensation blowing over him and nearly knocking the breath out of him. He thought Angel might pull off, but of course, he didn't. He stayed where he was, throat working as he swallowed Alastor's spill, and it was so depraved and alluring, Alastor couldn't get enough. He felt his self-control slipping, his nails sharpening into claws and pulling roughly at Angel's hair, and he felt the itching of his antlers growing out and spreading wider. He shuddered against the covers, a pleased growl rumbling from his throat as he floated in the hot bliss for a few moments.

Then he heard a whine and realized Angel was trying to pull away. He quickly let go, opening his eyes and staring at his hands before making a face and willing away some of his more demonic traits. His claws turned back into nails and his antlers shortened. He cleared his throat and his voice was back to normal as he said, "Angel, darling? Did I hurt you?"

"Uh? Oh, n-nah," Angel replied, brushing a hand through his hair and chuckling. He looked disheveled, face red and gown rucked up far past his hips now. Alastor looked him over and noted he was still hard. "You were just a little excited, happens all the time."

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