The Break Up(Part1)

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Izumi-They/them—Non-binary—Straight ally
Tenzin-He/him—Straight Ally
Aang-He-him—straight Ally
Aang and Katara set a gathering that was to start in 15 minutes.Lin looked at her outfits.One stuck out in particular.Nothing special just a black and green shirt with a light green jacket over the top dark grey jeans and a belt.It stuck out because part of the outfit was a gift from Azula and TyLee."LIN HURRY UP!"
"IM COMING MUM!"She grabbed the outfit and ran out the room.Once down stairs she threw on her shoes and ran after there mum and sister."What took you so long Linny"~"There little sister Suyin asked using Kya's nickname for Lin."Shut is Su"Lin ordered"and only Kya can call me that"
"Why not your Boyfriend"
"Because It's Kya's nickname for me"
"Your so-"
"Suyin leave Lin alone"Toph told her youngest daughter."Unless you want to go bed early"With that Su finally shut up.

The rest of the walk was quiet minus Su annoying Lin out of her mums hearing.Once they finally arrived Kya immediately pulled Lin into a hug.Despite not liking physical contact she hugged Kya back with a little smile."Great to see you Lin"
"Yeah great to see you too Kya"Kya blushed a little and redirected her eyes."Babe!"Shouted a voice.Looking up Lin saw Tenzin.Kya immediately saddened when Tenzin kissed lin.'Tenzin um lovely to see you'Lin blushed.'Toph great to see you'Aang said before reaching into a hug.
'No hugs twinkle toes'
'Stop calling me that please Toph'
'She's only playing'Katara said resting her hand on Aangs shoulder and giving him a kiss on the cheek.After they all greeted each other they went inside.'Izumi should be here soon'Kya started while getting a Pai sho game ready.'That means the trio is back'she continued remembering the last time they were together
'Ok we know the plan' a young Izumi said while climbing on to the roof of air temple island.
'Yes we do'Kya answered pulling Bumi up. 'Can't wait to see there faces'She smirked.Lin skilfully climbed up showing off there athletic skill.
'Show off'The other 3 pouted at them.Sighing she walked up to the window and crouched. 'Dad and TenTen should be passing in 5.' They all started passing the buckets over to Kya. '4.'Kya placed the buckets over the window. '3...2.'They all steadily put their hands just before the metal. ''They all pushed the buckets drenching Aang and Tenzin in unset concrete making them scream. Whilst the other three laughed Izumi shot a bit of fire at them. 'You three get down here you idiots.' Katara shouted at them a look of anger on her face.
'The last time we were together we got Dad and Tenzin stuck in concrete.' Lin smiled at Kya while moving her peace.Kya smiled back blushing slightly.she's so cu-What no No she's taken their heart belongs to Tenzin.Kya thought to herself.Her attention was caught by Tenzin hanging with an acolyte.She watched as they leaned closer together until their lips touched.That bastard did not.Kya's eyes showed her venom and vengefulness.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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