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Chuuya hadn't remembered waking up that day. He remembered climbing out of bed, tiredly dragging through the repetitive routine he did every single day—brush his teeth, comb his hair, rummage through his fridge for something to eat, only to stick with his usual toast and a bowl of strawberries. He'd get dressed for that day, pulling on his vest and choosing a "tacky hat" as Dazai would put it. Speaking of Dazai, Chuuya engrained it into his routine to peak into his guest bedroom, silently hoping Dazai would still be there from the night before.

He never was, Dazai never stuck around. Always so quick to leave. Overtime, Chuuya had expected it, and it begun to hurt less.

Chuuya only bit his lip when he didn't see Dazai. Oh well. Good riddance, he thought. He'd see the suicidal fool the next day for a joint mission Mori and the ADA's boss had set up. Dazai never stuck around but he also never went far, personal touches and Dazai smelling clothes around Chuuya's apartment to prove it.

Yesterday night, Dazai had shown up. Of course uninvited, Chuuya would have almost been startled when he heard the rattling of his front door lock—but he knew Dazai. Being partners with someone for seven years, you learn their traits and hobbies. Of course Dazai had two usually functioning hands to knock, but of course he decided breaking into Chuuya's apartment was more fun. Chuuya couldn't blame him, if Dazai knocked he'd probably never open the door.

Dazai slinked inside that night, a bottle of Chuuya's favorite whiskey in hand. The moron had been blabbering about some kind of celebration. Chuuya didn't exactly care, he was tired. He had orders from Mori earlier that evening to assist Akutagawa with negotiations with the guild, which turned into a fight. And Mori really let the ginger have it.

But Chuuya hadn't cared. Until his punishment had been a recovery mission with Dazai, how pointless, he thought. Dazai wouldn't get anything out of helping Chuuya with damage control, and what would Chuuya do with a Dazai that didn't want to cooperate.

Dazai had been cheerful as ever though, helping Chuuya polish off the Bourbon he brought over. Chuuya and Dazai fucked like they often did, and then they'd fall asleep together before Dazai would crawl off to a different room in the middle of the night, and then disappear completely by sunrise.

Chuuya got through his day, completely forgetting about Dazai until the afternoon. He'd send a text, reminding the bastard to drink something other than liquor and maybe fill that stomach of his. Dazai had been looking unusually thin as of late, Chuuya had tried to have a serious conversation but Dazai was never serious, only feigning it when it best suited him.

Chuuya hadn't noticed the creepy piece of shit hadn't texted him back until he had gotten home that night. It was weird. Dazai was the king of distractions, Chuuya could only imagine the responses Dazai could've had.

"Only if you feed it to me~"

"Bring me something!"

"Aw! Chuuya cares!"

No snarky response, no thumbs up reaction—the message hadn't even been read.

It was weird but it hadn't worried Chuuya. It wasn't unusual for Dazai to be busy, though he slacked off a lot, he was one of the smartest at the ADA. Chuuya knew that. He had just been busy, that's all. Dazai would text him back probably later in the night, and Chuuya would see it when he woke up and he'd call Dazai and curse him out for not using the phone Chuuya had bought for him. The shitty fucker.

Chuuya hadn't remembered going to bed that night either. Tired as ever, like he hadn't slept in a hundred years—he moved through his morning routine. Brushed his teeth, combed through his long ginger hair—rummaged through his fridge for something to eat, only to stick with his usual toast and a bowl of strawberries. He'd get dressed, pulling on his vest and choosing another hat. And just because his body willed it, and his heart raced with the idea of Dazai maybe sneaking in during the night and falling asleep in Chuuya's guest room, he checked.

Of course Dazai hadn't been there. The bed was still made, Dazai hadn't come over last night.

Chuuya checked his phone on the walk to the appointed meet up spot. Dazai hadn't texted back. No snarky response, no thumbs up emoji. The message had still been unread.

Chuuya wasn't worried. This was Dazai he was thinking about, the vagabond was insanely unpredictable.

But they were Soukoku, they knew how the other thought. They were double black for so long Dazai could blindfold Chuuya and dance around in a circle and Chuuya could sense him and still be able to punch him right in his nose without so much as a peek.

Chuuya wasn't worried.


"Took you long enough to show up, got hit by a car?" Chuuya felt relieved when he saw Dazai. He wouldn't admit he was worried the brunette disappeared off into the city again like he'd done four years ago.

Dazai had looked somber. Dressed exactly like he had been the last time Chuuya saw him. Except now, Dazai had a sling holding his left arm. Chuuya frowned, what'd Dazai do to himself this time?

Chuuya didn't care. Dazai was alive, standing right in front of him. He hadn't disappeared. And that's all Chuuya wanted.

Dazai laughed. And it sounded hallow, not like his usual giggle or the occasional chuckle. Chuuya frowned.

"You wish I'd been hit," Dazai said. "Let's hurry this up shall we?"

The mission had been simple. The guild decided that to gain the Port Mafia's trust, they'd send Dazai and Chuuya to defeat an enemy for them. If they could complete it, the guild would join an alliance with the Port.

Dazai and Chuuya approached a tunnel, and Chuuya had started to use his ability. He had done this hundreds of times before, with Gravity Manipulation—the whole word had been under his control. Nothing could beat gravity. But—

"You can't use corruption today, promise me." Dazai said. He hadn't looked at Chuuya, void eyes staring down the tunnel.

Chuuya scrunched his nose, a habit he picked up when he was a teenager. "What're you talking about, you freak."

"I won't be able to stop you if you use it." The man beside him said simply.

Chuuya didn't know if the confusion was visible on his face or his silence had tipped Dazai off. "I only have one hand today, Chuuya. We can't take the risk. Promise me."

Chuuya rolled his eyes. Lazy sack of shit he thought. Back in their Double Black days, Dazai would probably get hit by a train to save Chuuya from corruption. Had his undeniable fondness for Chuuya faded so much he wouldn't continue to risk his life for his ex partner? Or had he maybe gained a will to live since the last time they met? Chuuya snorted. He didn't need to rely on Dazai anyways, he could handle his own. Dazai was just nice to look at, that's the only reason he hadn't pushed the man away yet. Or maybe it was Dazai's cocky personality, or the way he could keep up with Chuuya.

Chuuya didn't care to think about it at the moment.

"Fine. I promise."

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