1: You're Gonna Look Back at This Later On

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a/n this was harder than i thought itd be


*Knock, knock.*

You knocked on the door to a rather lavish yet almost lonely house. You shivered, your clothes still stained with a bit of blood. Some of it yours, some of it...

Your hands were still shaking when a young man, just a year older than you, opened the door. His soft platinum and violet hair was practically perfect in comparison to your messy and blood-stained [H/C] hair.

Abel Walker blinked a couple times at your appearance.

"Hello, [Y/N]..? What happened?"

"Hi, senpai. Mind if I come in?"

Abel hesitantly stepped aside so you could enter his house. He was still dumbfounded as to why you randomly appeared at his doorstep, looking like you just infiltrated a prison.

"Why are you here?" Abel closed the door once you got inside. "I'm just wondering of course, you're welcome here anytime." He spoke the last part uncharacteristically fast.

"Are you ready with the Magia Lupus?" You asked, ignoring his question and brushing off some stone debris on your clothes.


"That's good. You start right away, don't let anyone take your spotlight as you become divine visionary. Most especially not any first years."

You turned to look at him, your dull eyes slightly illuminated by the soft glow of the light reflecting from his kitchen.

"We need you to do your part, okay? As promised, I'll make sure you become divine visionary no matter what."

If you squinted, you could see Abel's expression redden ever so slightly.

"Of course."

You smiled softly, but in truth, you really didn't need him anymore. You had found what you were looking for already.

Magia Lupus would just be there to keep up the act. No one, your father and brother especially, would be happy if they found out you've stopped searching.


How did he get in!?

Mash Burnedead. In the world where magic = power in a literal and social sense, in the world where the more marks you have the more admired you are, in the world where those markless, or lack magics, are hated and even imprisoned by the government - Mash Burnedead has no magic.

You had met him in town, only for a brief moment. He bumped into you near the pastry shop you often bought from. When his hood fell off, you felt your lungs tighten when you caught glimpse of his markless face.

You shoved his hood back on and warned him to go back to where he came from, which hopefully was far away from the city.

You saw him again when you were observing the first year's entrance exam. Usually you couldn't do that, but the divine visionary Rayne Ames was a close friend of yours. Through hopefully peaceful means, he was able to get permission for the both of you to watch the entrance exam together.

Of course, Rayne left in the middle of it, which was fine since you could focus on the exam. He said he'd buy you something as an apology for leaving.

Anyway, you immediately recognized the mushroom head through the screen. He had garnered the attention of a lot of other examinees, as well as the teacher. It was difficult not to notice him exercising right before the exam.

He had a mark on his face this time, you assumed it was fake. You could even see all the tricks he did from the screen, nothing he did used any magic.

It almost pissed you off. Mushroom head - Mash - was trying so hard to get into Easton Academy. It would be admirable if he wasn't practically trying to enter the lion's den. Is he trying to get taken by the government!? Talk about suicidal!

A magic school might just be the WORST place for a lack magic to be.

Yet somehow, by the inaneness of our Lady Luck, and possibly Headmaster Wahlberg's stupidity, Mash got accepted into Easton Academy.


Look, it's not that you were against lack magics. You cared about them actually, a lot more than any regular person. But that's why you were upset; It's not safe.

Seriously, who in their right mind would enroll their lack magic son into-


"Ugh.." You hissed, rubbed your aching shoulder. This is what you get for not watching where you were going.

"Oh, I'm sorry." What you had assumed was a wall had spoken, apparently you bumped into a person. You looked up at boy who remained unphased. "No, it's alrig-"


"You're that guy from before." You pointed at him, acting as if you didn't already see him while watching the entrance exam.

He stared at you, looking baffled. "Oh, wait. You're that odd scary girl that saved my creampuff and told me to go home."


God damn, is that really how he remembers you? I mean, its true you probably seemed odd to him, but damn.

You squeezed the shoulder that bumped into Mash earlier, before crossing your arms and sighing. "Yes, that was me."

You eyed him up and down. He was quite handsome, if you squinted. His face had a seemingly permanent dull expression on it. His entire demeanor felt familiar, almost nostalgic to you.

"Why did you enroll here? Did you not understand why I told you to stay away from the city or are you just suicidal?"

Mash seemed to realize just now that you knew about his lack of magic.

"...P-P-P-Please d-d-d-d-d-don't t-t-tell a-an-nyone..." He stuttered like an anime girl, making you raise an eyebrow.

... "I won't. But you do understand why I told you it isn't safe anywhere near the city? Most especially here, an elite *magic* school?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Then why are you here??"

That shut him up. Mash looked around for a bit, then to the ground. Soon after, he looked back at you.

"For a peaceful life."

"You're getting the opposite of that by being here."

"I have my reasons."

You scrunched your nose at his answer. You didn't want to force it out of him but you didn't want to just leave him be. You rubbed the back of your neck.

"I see, then." You extend your hand to him. "I'm sorry for the sudden interrogation. I'm [Y/N] Emixiphe. We're in the same house, but I'm in my second year so I suppose I'm your senior."

Mash nodded, taking your hand and shaking it lightly. "Mash Burnedead," he introduced himself, though you already knew his name.

"...Do you like creampuffs? I'm on my way to buy some, I can get you some too."

Mash's dull eyes practically glimmered at the mention of creampuffs. You only asked since you remembered he was buying creampuffs the first time you met.

"Really?" You smiled softly at his enthusiasm. "Really. What's your dorm number?"


1140 words

I'm supposed to be studying right now
idk when i can post the next chapter because of exams and school in general but hopefully i don't abandon this cause i really like the idea

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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