Authors Note: And About Our Main Gal

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Hi I'm Olive and other than this I have written one (1) story which I have never finished please don't flame me if this actually really bad and i gaslighted myself into thinking it was somewhat good enough to post

anyway um. some info on our pretty lil [Y/N] before we start


Name: [Y/N] Emixiphe (You can change her last name if you want but me personally i like emixiphe cause i made it up from a phrase which meant "i am the double edged sword" I THOUGHT IT WAS COOL)

House: Adler, 2nd year. 

Personal Magic: Clone (Explained early in the story)

Appearance: Usually is presentable but for some reason, if you look closely, she always looks tired. Her hair would be a little messy, her eyes would be a bit sleepy. Sometimes it looks like her blood had been drained from her face. [Y/N] is a double liner, so there are 2 marks on her face.

Personality: Very much a quiet kid in school. She doesn't talk to others unless spoken to or its important. [Y/N] isnt very expressive either. She does try to be polite everytime she talks to others, though. To those who aren't strangers, she can be a bit intense or even aggressive, but she tries her best.


Love Interests (What do you feel about [Y/N]?):

Mash Burnedead. "Oh, [Y/N] is great. She buys me creampuffs a lot. Do I like her? Yes of course, she buys me creampuffs. Romantically? Dunno, probably yes because she buys me creampuffs."

Lance Crown. "What do I feel about [Y/N]? Usually, I wouldn't have time to think about others. But that girl is always bothering me and bribes me to do things for her using Anna. Hmph. Though, she is thoughtful, almost like Anna."

Finn Ames. "Ah, [Y/N]-senpai. She's my brother's friend. I've always admired her bravery, she's always calm even in the face of danger. She's so kind to me too..."

Dot Barett. "SOOOO PRETTY but also so so scary. I feel like if I piss her off my head would be blown to shreds!!"

Rayne Ames. "She's a sweetheart. Her side comments are annoying at times. If she was famous, she'd be cancelled by now. But nonetheless, a sweetheart. My rabbits like her a lot."

Abel Walker. "[Y/N] is a very well-meaning person. I... really get a strange feeling in my chest when she talks to me."

Abyss Razor. "bububububububububububububu"
(note: we only interact with him FARRR in the story im talking farther than domina im sorry 😭)

Domina Blowelive. "Quite the pretty doll, isn't she? Even though I've done a lot, she somehow doesnt hate me. Is it naivety? I'd go on my knees for her and- I mean, yes? What? Sorry."


This was actually a story for my oc Yuna but i wanted to post it as an x reader instead (IF I FUCK UP AND ACCIDENTALLY WRITE YUNA INSTEAD OF Y/N PLS TELL ME CAUSE MOST OF MY DRAFTS SAY YUNA)

ALSOOO I hope you guys dont mind/find it cringe if I use shit like "senpai" in the story, it just means senior ok it feels so weird translating it and calling somebody "senior" in eng

Uhhh thats all thank you, enjoy!!

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