Part One : Billowing Smoke

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 The Ignatius Pack lives on a lush territory of forest in the lower region of a lone mountain. Rivers and creeks run through the forests, usually calm except in the flooding season. The rapids lie at the far end of their territory, and the rivers flow down from the mountain.

 The rapids lie at the far end of their territory, and the rivers flow down from the mountain

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The changes to their lands have been slow, almost unnoticeable. In the summer heat, no one notices that the waters are a little warmer than usual or that the trees seem to be wilting. 


Until the smoke started. Without warning, the wolves woke one day to see smoke billowing from the top of their mountain home. Their fears ranged from fire to angered gods to the return of humans. Whatever it is, they need answers. And quick.

Mountain Chain -->

River Chain -->

Rogue Forest Chain -->

Camp Clearing Chain -->

Alphas Den Chain -->

Betas Den Chain -->

Deltas Den Chain -->

Hunters Den Chain -->

Nursery Chain -->

Healers Den Chain -->

Elders Den Chain -->

Omegas Den Chain -->

Chat Chain -->

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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