Chapter 2

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The two rushed to the dance floor and began to move to the beat. As she continued, she saw that a little crowd had formed around them. As the song ended, the two went back over and sat at the bar.

"It's nice to actually enjoy someone's company here. Usually most of these bastards are insufferable," Angel told her with a smirk.

"I completely agree," she laughed with.

Another song came on that she loved. It was a popular electronic dance song, so she went out to the floor again. As it started, she expertly danced sensually to it, with a mix of industrial dancing. As she looked around at the crowd, she could see Valentino gawking at her from the couch, watching her every move. She saw a few others like Velvette watching as well.

As she continued turning slowly in place, she saw the head of VoxTek Enterpises, Vox himself. He is a slim demon with a flat-screen TV for a head. The monitor projects two eyes with red sclera and light blue pupils, the outline and wrinkles of his left eye being cyan, and a mouth with sharp teeth that glows light blue. His skin is dark grey and his fingers are light blue from the second knuckle. He wears a dark blue tuxedo with lighter stripes and a black and red striped shirt. He has a red bow tie and a light blue undershirt with an upside-down broadcast symbol.
On his head, Vox wears a black top hat with red and blue designs reminiscent of a broadcast symbol and radio wave symbol, respectively. His TV antennae stick out the top of the hat, the right one bent into a zigzag.

He was watching her, and looked a little mesmerized as she continued. Once the song was done, she saw Velvette coming up to her.

"That was sexy, love! That's going to be the talk for weeks! Now come with me, our other associate is here. The one I want you to meet!" Velvette smiles and leads Asmodea across the room.

As they slowly walk up to someone and as he turns, she sees Vox standing before her. He grins smoothly as he holds his hand out to her. "Vox of VoxTek Enterprises. Or better known creator of the VoxTok app you use."

"It's a pleasure. I'm Asmodea," she says as she takes his hand.

There's a soft shock between them as she picked up some static from his hand.

"I told Vox here about how you are VoxTok's number one influencer. And how you've been the reason everyone downloads the app."

"I have a special proposal for you," he tells her next as she looks into his eyes again.

They were flat on the screen, but as she stared into them, they seemed to bore into her skull in 3-D.

"What would that be?" she asked, raising her pierced brow.

"Working as the face of my brands! I have a few things under development. Otherwise, I'm glad you've signed on to be our first paid influencer. And thank you for signing the contract."

"I don't really get what it is, but I look forward to working with you."

"Velvette didn't explain? You'll be my personal assistant, helping me develop new apps and ideas. We'll be partners," he grinned, his eyes becoming hypnotic.

"She didn't really explain before hand, shes a bitch like that," she said with a wink to him.

Velvette gave her the finger and trotted off in the direction of Valentino. She noticed Angel was also over with him, in his lap clinging to Val.

"I am glad you decided to join us. I have a feeling your power will be a great additon to VoxTek. I do have to say, you came along at a good time, my dear," Vox said.

"Oh? Having trouble at the Vee Mansion?" she asked with a smirk.

"Some complications have arose and we need to teach this fucker who really is in charge," he said with a growl, starting to stare off into the distance.

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