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My world, our world, is crumbling before my eyes, Ethan, and I can't do anything to make it stop.

Raindrops hit the ground like shards of broken dreams. The thunder roars, echoing the chaos in my heart. I stand in the storm, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. And it's like déjà vu,

Remember last time when there was a storm? A time when life had stripped me of everything, and I was left wandering in the rain-soaked streets, a broken man. Back then, everyone had turned their backs on me, and I had nothing left to lose. But then, you came into my life, Ethan. You became my shelter in that storm, my refuge when I had none...

And now, I feel like history is repeating itself, only this time, you aren't here to protect me from fate. It feels like the universe is trying to snatch my everything away once again, Ethan, and I'm scared, I'm really scared.

I stand at the edge of the bridge, the red and blue lights of the ambulance and police car painting the surrounding. Police cars stand guard, their presence accentuated by the distant wailing sirens as if mourning with the city.

I keep whispering to myself, a desperate mantra trying to rewrite the script of destiny, unfolding before my eyes. "Thi's not real. It's not happening." As if my words have the power to reshape reality, to rewind time, and erase the cruel twist of fate that has taken my everything away.

Beneath the bridge, the river growls like a discontented beast, its waves reaching up as if trying to touch the very structure that separates its world from mine.

Then, there it is – that black car emerging from the water, hoisted by unseen hands. My world, turned upside down, suspended in the cold embrace of the river., it can't be happening, it can't be real. It isn't real.

"This isn't real. This isn't real," I repeat, clinging to the hope that this is all an illusion, a nightmare from which I'll soon awaken. My legs propel me forward, toward the wreckage that stole away my world.

The dark river below growls under the weight of the car, its turbulent waves leaping high, as if desperately reaching for you...wanting you back, just like me..

In a desperate surge, my legs carry me closer to the edge. I want to plunge into that dark water, to retrieve what was stolen from me. "No! Not like this!" I scream, the pain in my voice echoing the torment in my soul. I'm oblivious to the arms that wrap around me, trying to anchor me to this harsh reality.

"Let me go!" I yell, "Leave me, it isn't real...not like this, no, no, no, " my voice breaks through the symphony of rain and sirens. I fight against the arms that hold me back, as if sheer willpower could defy the cruelty of fate. But those unseen hands persist, the reality has no mercy. But how can this be a reality?

This can't be real. It's just not possible. A few hours ago, I held my world in my arms and kissed my entire existence this morning. How is it all crumbling before my eyes now? It's just a nightmare, I can't accept it. It's not the reality.

As I scream, the world becomes a blurry canvas. And there, beneath the unforgiving glow of the bridge's lights, I see it—the face that once illuminated my life, now lifeless and cold. It lies on the bridge like a cruel exhibit of loss.

No, no, no, no, this can't be real. It's not happening. It's a dream. It's just a fucking dream, a very very bad dream.

Ethan, you were supposed to be my now, my tomorrow, my forever. How did you reduce to nothing more than a mere memory?


Formal Disclaimer:

The depicted story is situated in a fictional country called Eglen, inclusive of fictional cities, communities, and fictional religious elements, including deities. This work of fiction has been created solely for creative endeavors and does not intend to emulate or mirror any actual entities, regions, or beliefs.

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