Chapter 6

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The sunrays are painting a golden glow across the bed, and the outside world seems to bask in its own normalcy. I lie there, eyes fixed on the ceiling, still open. It's like they've forgotten how to close, the tear stains at the corners now dry.

Is any of this real, Ethan? It's as if I'll hear your voice any moment now, echoing through the hallway like every morning. You'd be on the phone, I'd half-heartedly throw a pillow at you, so I can squeeze in a little more sleep. You'd toss it back at me, laughing, before heading to the living room.

Your laughter dancing through the room. But now, it's just silence, a deafening void.

There's no motivation to get up or switch sides of the bed. I can't wrap my head around it, Ethan. You're gone. Really gone.

Ten years-a decade - it feels like a lifetime and a fleeting moment all at once. You were there, always with me.

I reach for the empty space beside me, the sheets cold where your warmth used to linger. There's a part of me that clings to the hope of finding you, imagining your grin with that mischievous spark dancing in your eyes. In those teenage years, we carved out hours and hours on this bed - cuddling, kissing, and talking until the night embraced us.

My hand reaches out, fingers brushing against the cold surface of the bedside table. I fumble for the phone, almost instinctively. With a deep breath, I press the button to bring it back to life. The screen lights up, and there it is - our wallpaper.

It's a snapshot of a moment frozen in time, captured on my birthday just a few months ago. Our hands, entwined, proudly displaying our rings. The lump in my throat grows, and a sob escapes, unbidden.

Remember, Ethan? It was just a few months back when you decided to make my birthday unforgettable. Candles flickering, roses adorning every corner of our apartment. You had put so much effort into creating that magical atmosphere.

I had a hint something special was brewing, so I had my own surprise ready. Excitement bubbled inside me like a shaken soda can.

I remember the moment I burst into our room, and there it was - the ring, nestled in the cupboard for months, waiting for the perfect moment. I practically bounced into the room, ring in hand, and we both knew.

The look on your face, a mix of surprise and pure happiness, mirrored my own. Tears flowed freely, we cried and then we laughed. Oh, how we laughed until our voices echoed through the walls.

I could almost hear our screams of happiness reverberating in my mind. We jumped and danced like no one was watching.

Ethan, I can only wish to turn back time, relive those moments, and hear your laughter once more, to see that look in your eyes again, to feel the safety and comfort of your arms again...can only wish.

But all that's left are these tears, memories, and the ache in my heart.

Then you knelt before me, and there was a spark in his eyes, a mischievous glint that made my heart race. He reached into his pocket, and there it was - the ring box. My breath caught, and time seemed to slow as you opened it, and there it was - the ring, a promise of a future we'd dreamt of for nine long years.

"Leo," you began, a playful smirk dancing on your lips, "are you ready to endure my daily dose of tantrums for the rest of your life? Do you fancy watching this face age like a fine cheese right before your eyes?"

Without a second thought, as if guided by an invisible force, I found myself on my knees before you, meeting your gaze at eye level. I couldn't believe it was happening, Ethan. It was the question I'd been waiting for, a question that held the dreams we built together.

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