Chapter 2

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As our moms indulged in their riveting conversation with the priest inside, there we were, Ethan and I, perched on the steps like a couple of temple guardians. The trees nearby were putting on a show, their branches gracefully swaying just within our reach. The temple's lofty height gave us a front-row seat to this foliage spectacle, and I couldn't resist the urge to try and touch the leaves.

"Haven't seen you here before?" I finally surrendered to the intrusive thoughts, my eyes fixated on the tantalizing greenery just a stretch away. The distance, however, was proving to be quite the tease. I let out a dramatic sigh, contemplating another futile attempt.

"Yeah, we're new in town," Ethan responded, his gaze fixed on my foolish endeavor. I turned to look at him, and there he was, backlit by the morning sun, highlighting his fine features -His hair, a shade of rich chestnut, caught the gentle breeze, creating a subtle dance of strands that seemed to defy gravity. And there were those eyes - a mesmerizing shade of green, they were like a forest reflecting the first light of dawn.

"Oh," I said. "How are you finding Oakshire so far?"

"It's nice, peaceful, and calm," Ethan replied, his eyes wandering into the distance. I couldn't help but chuckle at the cliché response. "Ah, the serenity of small towns," I mused, secretly plotting my next attempt to reach those elusive leaves. After all, what's the point of being on these temple steps if you can't engage in some mildly ridiculous antics?

"So, where did you move from?" I asked, leaning in even more, the leaves of the nearby tree almost within my grasp. As if in response to my daring maneuver, Ethan warned, "Novacrest, hey, careful."

But, you see, caution wasn't really my forte at that moment. As I extended myself a bit too much, the edge of the step suddenly felt like the precipice of a great fall. My heart jumped into my throat as the ground seemed to tilt beneath me. I was perilously close to a meeting with the tree below.

Just when gravity was about to assert its dominance, a firm grip on my other arm yanked me back. I found myself in the secure embrace of Ethan, both of us breathing heavily. "Seems like Veridion likes me way too much," I gasped, my heart racing from the near miss. "He's calling me directly to heaven."

Ethan laughed, the sound reverberating through his chest against my head. His chest vibrated as he spoke, "Yeah, you're too sacred for Earth."


The sacred hall's steps cascade downwards, each one a solemn descent into the inevitable. The afternoon sky, draped in heavy clouds, a reflection of the somber atmosphere that envelopes us. A hint of rain's scent lingers, and the steps, still damp from a recent shower, shimmer softly under my hesitant footsteps.

Here I stand at the forefront, my hands clutching the lantern, a beacon of warmth in the midst of the overcast afternoon. Beside me, Mrs. Brown and your sister, Eva accompany me, their lanterns casting shadows that dance with collective grief etched on their faces. The lantern in my grip flickers, casting a warm glow amid the cloudy afternoon. Dark clouds loom overhead, as if the heavens themselves mourn the departure of a cherished soul.

As we descend, the trees lining the path are drenched, their leaves drooping under the weight of the recent rain. Each step echoes the collective heartache of those present. The lanterns we carry, illuminating with color, pierce through the darkness, symbolizing a guiding light for Ethan's journey into eternity-a path leading him to the Cemetery.

In the center, surrounded by the hues of various lanterns, lies the casket-a vessel carrying the echoes of a love now confined to memories.

The casket descends into the open grave, the lowering mechanism creaking in harmony with the heaviness that settles in my chest. Each inch it sinks feels like a piece of my soul being buried with it. The rain, a melancholic accompaniment, drips from the brim of my hat, blending seamlessly with the tears streaming down my face.

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