Chapter 1 - Breakfast

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From any outsider's perspective, it would have seemed like a normal morning.

Or at least as normal as a house can get with 8 supernatural kids under one roof.

Today is not normal though, today is something that has not happened since Noi and Pierce 4 years ago. Today is the arrival of a new child.

The eldest two kids Kim and Zane, both spellcasters, are bickering over the stove, the food is bathed in a ghoulish blue light emitting from Zane. Most of the other kids are peacefully playing uno at the table.

"KARMA HAS A REVERSE CARD WITH YOUR NAME ON IT!" Ein slams his hands on the table while staring daggers at Aphmau, meanwhile, she's grinning smugly with her tail wagging, having hit him with three plus twos. "It doesn't matter anyway because I win." Aaron places his last two cards neatly on top of the discard pile, two blue threes. A collective groan erupts from the table, and just then Kim and Zane's voices break the symphony of disappointment. "Pancakes are ready." "And waffles! The obviously superior waffles!"

Only after everyone begins to eat does the sound of hurried footsteps echo through the house. Rose, the caregiver of the lively bunch, rushes down the stairs, her apron still on from the morning chores. She bursts into the room, grabbing a waffle from the stack on the table.

"Sorry, sorry! I've been upstairs all morning setting up the room for the new kid," Rose explains between bites, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I want everything to be perfect for their arrival."

She doesn't stay long, disappearing just as quickly as she appeared. The 8 kids exchange curious glances, their mouths still filled with the delicious mix of pancakes and waffles.

"New kid?" Noi asks, raising an eyebrow. "Really?"

"I heard her talking on the phone yesterday," Aphmau chimes in. "Someone from the foster care agency. It's for real." Rose speaks again, her mouth full of pancake, "Also at some point after breakfast, I want you guys to go into the basement and choose a welcome home gift for the new kid. Anyways, I gotta run; the room needs to be finished." And just as quickly as she had arrived, Rose was gone.

The announcement from Rose hangs in the air as the kids exchange glances. The excitement about the new kid is momentarily set aside as they realize they have another task at hand – choosing a welcome home gift..

"So, who's going in," Zane says after a suspenseful pause. All of the kids shudder in unison. The basement is cold and unfinished, compared to the rest of the bright and colourful house it might as well be a dungeon.

While all the children argue about who will go to the basement, Ein pipes up, "I got this, guys. I will brave the basement on my own," he with a cocky air about him, puffing out his chest as he volunteers.

"No way am I letting you go alone!" KC stands up dramatically from the table, her tail swishing. "You'll pick some gross boy stuff like a soccer ball or a Nerf gun. The new kid deserves a better gift!"

Ein turns to KC defiantly. "And what will you pick? An ugly dress that won't ever fit, or a teddy bear when the new kid might not even like them? At least the soccer ball and Nerf gun will get use out of them," Ein says with confidence, now very much aware of his and KC's rivalry.

"How do you know the new kid doesn't like teddies? I know you still sleep with all of yours at night!" KC retorts, making Ein turn bright red. He seems to back down in the argument. "Alright, fine. You can come."

"I'll come too. I need to make sure you two don't spend half an hour picking the gift," Aphmau adds. Before anyone can say anything, Aaron also steps up. KC glares at him.

"If Aph's going I'm going" Aaron grabs Aphmau's hand. At that, the brave four make their way through the house, down to the stairs leading into the basement.

Going into the basement is always a huge deal; it's so dark and scary, it's almost like a maze. Noi runs ahead and grabs the box of stuff they always keep on hand for this: two flashlights, a bag for whatever they take back, and a long piece of thick yarn. Pierce had once been sent into the basement to see if it was long enough to reach all the corners (it is). And so they all head down the entry stairs in a big group. Noi ties the string to Aaron's wrist and hands the supplies to the four of them, giving KC the bag, Ein a flashlight, and Aphmau the other flashlight.

Aphmau swings the door open, the cold air of the basement exhaling out almost like a sigh. Aaron in the lead and Aphmau at the back of the group make their way through the cluttered space. It is dark even with the flashlights, and everything is covered in a thin layer of dust and spiderwebs. "So what exactly are we looking for?" Aaron's voice breaks the silence, causing Ein to scream. KC giggles at Ein's reaction "Anything cute, they'll probably like that." Ein clears his throat, embarrassed.

They find all sorts of boxes, most labelled with one of their names from the group filled with different seasonal clothes or unused toys. Some of the boxes have labels like "Infant clothes 6m-1y" because Rose holds a lot of things for the foster families in the area. Unfortunately, the spare toys are at the back of the basement, and the children's imaginations are making the big room seem even bigger than it is.

Once the four finally get to the back they spread out to look at different boxes. "I think we should get them a Nerf gun!" Ein chimes in from another corner of the basement, his body half in a box labelled "Plastic toys" "Ein, nobody but you likes the idea of giving the new kid a gun," Aaron replies, digging through a box of smaller stuffed animals and squishies.

Ein looks at KC with udder disgust as she sifts through a box of dresses, "What if the kid's a boy? They aren't gonna like that." KC confidently looks back at him "Boys can wear dresses too!" She holds up a pink one with bows and ruffles. "I think this one is cute."

Aphmau suddenly yells out from the stuffy bin, "Guys, quit arguing and come here! I think I found the perfect thing."

The other three hurry over to Aphmau. She is holding a large green frog plushie; it has four limbs and seems to be a Build-A-Bear, but the tag is a little worn off. It is wearing a tuxedo top and a pink skirt with black shoes with white laces. "I think it's perfect!"

Ein looks it over. "No way is that even close to being cool enough. Look at that stupid outfit. That is more like a birthday present for a six-year-old girl." Aphmau looks annoyed "For all we know they are a six-year-old girl! All we know is they aren't older than any of us and that they are arriving soon. Besides, who wouldn't love this face." Aaron grins, "Ein apparently."

Noi interrupts, "Guys, hurry up! Rose says the new kid is gonna be here in 15 minutes!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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