First impressions

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"Fuck, do you want to stare any harder? Haha!"
She laughed, that means she didn't mind, right? It was such a cute laugh, urgh, she was just so beautiful.
"Oh, sorry, I was just-
"You don't have to apologise, anyway, my names Alex, I guess you'll be here for a while then, you've been shown around right? You know where everything is?"
"Uh, yeah, I think so, I wasn't really paying attention and I guess she didn't put much effort in as it was only me"
"Well if you need anything, then just ask, alright?"
I knew I'd be doing anything just to talk to her again, I'd only just met her but she was amazing.

Hours passed, I was just lying in bed, I could hear all the sly remarks about me, none of them seemed to bother me, but it didn't stop me from worrying about what could happen if someone didn't like me.

"Hey, kid" Alex spoke up
"You do know tonight is movie night, right?"
"Movie night? Like, a cinema?"
"No kid, this is prison" she smirked, "but you get earphones and watch it on a projector, it's not that bad, maybe you could come with me and Nicky, you don't seem to have made any other friends yet"
"Okay, sure, if that's okay with you two"
Yes! She spoke to me again! What was it about this girl? She made me so happy.

"Fuck" she got up and stretched, "come on kid, let's go introduce you to Nicky"

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