You're beautiful

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The first night on that rock solid mattress was hell, all I longed for, was for Alex to come over and cuddle me to sleep. All I wanted, all I needed was her. Being able to see her when she slept, made me feel better, I could see how beautiful she was, the dim lighting around the prison, but where she lay was brighter. Her beauty shone out, she was amazing.
I saw her yawn, and her eyes slowly open, she looked so cute, all sleepy and adorable.

"Hey, kid?"
"Can't sleep huh?" She asked
"No, I'm not used to this, I've got a lot on my mind too"
"Am I on your mind" she winked
I couldn't tell if she was joking or if to answer seriously, I just hoped it was dark enough not to see me blushing.
"Uh, no, what? Don't be silly, pssht, uh, I just mean like, leaving to come here, it's a big step"
"I think I am on your mind" she teased
"You're not letting that question slide, are you?" I challenged
"Well it seems you can't stop staring" she raised one brow and sniggered
"I'm sorry about that" I said in shame
"It's fine kid, but you've got to be honest with me, you know? We are room mates after all"
"I'm sorry Alex, it's just, I think you're really beautiful, and-
"SHUT IT INMATES" an officer shouted, waking everyone else.
"Fucking lesbians" he muttered, as he walked off playing with his moustache

The next morning was slow, breakfast was slow, going to the toilet was slow, getting a shower was slow, waiting for my commissary was slow. Nothing was picking up speed.

"Hey you!", "I know it's a little late, but I'm your councillor, please, come in"
I sat down, the room wasn't great, a couple of bobble heads on the table and a pile of papers.
"I'm officer Healy, and I hate to start this off on a bad note, but I heard you, oh dear god, you, engaged in, lesbian activity? Please tell me this isn't true"
"What when?!" I exclaimed
"You stayed up late talking to inmate, Vause?"
"I talked to her, it was my first night, I couldn't sleep, I don't understand how that's lesbian activity sir!"
"DO NOT ENGAGE WITH LESBIANS, THEY'RE DANGEROUS BEINGS, stay away from them, and you'll stay out of trouble"
"Okay sir, got it"
I walked out of the room, shaken up and returned to my bunk sulking, "homophobic prick" I muttered.

"Hey" Nicky said as she sat on Alex's bed
"Hey Nicky"
"What's up? You don't seem happy, not as happy as you look when you see fuckin' Vause" she laughed
"Oh shush Nicky"
"Such a posh English accent" she smirked "heard you were staring at Vause again in her sleep last night, called her beautiful" I went bright red, I couldn't take this anymore. I ran out of the cube and threw straight up in the toilets. This was so embarrassing, I had no chance with her at all, she was perfect and I'm just some young fuck up who likes her. She'd never be with me.

I got up, brushed my teeth and went back to my cube, lay down and slept for the rest of the day.

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